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Heroku makes it easy to deploy and scale Ruby apps. Whether you prefer frameworks like Sinatra or Rails, or getting your hands dirty with Unicorn or raw sockets, Heroku helps you build things your way with the tools you love.
- Getting Started on Heroku with Ruby
- Getting Started on Heroku with Ruby (Microsoft Windows)
- Heroku Ruby Support
- Deploying Rack-based Apps
- Ruby Database Auto-Provisioning
- Specifying a Ruby Version
- Running Rake Commands
- Deploying a Ruby Project Generated on Windows
- Using WebSockets on Heroku with Ruby
- Ruby Language Metrics (Public Beta)
- Ruby Application Restart Behavior
- Concurrency and Database Connections in Ruby with ActiveRecord
- Creating Static Sites in Ruby with Rack
- Ruby Default Web Server
- Uploading Files to S3 in Ruby with Paperclip
- Fixing a Segfault in Ruby Apps
- Please Do Not Use Asset Sync
- Tuning glibc Memory Behavior
- H12 - Request Timeout in Ruby (MRI)
- Debugging a Stuck or Slow Ruby Program
- Ruby Shebang Directives in Binstubs
Rails Support
- Getting Started on Heroku with Rails 7.x
- Getting Started on Heroku with Rails 6.x
- Getting Started on Heroku with Rails 5.x
- Deploying Rails Applications with the Puma Web Server
- Deploying Rails Applications with Unicorn
- Deploying to a Custom Rails Environment
- Rails Database Connection Behavior
- HTTP Caching in Ruby with Rails
- Caching Strategies for Rails
- Rails Asset Pipeline on Heroku
- Building a Rails 5 Application with Memcache
- Moving an Existing Rails App to Run on JRuby
- Delayed Job (DJ)
- Direct to S3 Image Uploads in Rails
- Maximize Worker Utilization with Resque Pool
- Active Storage on Heroku
- Rails 4 on Heroku
- Rails 4+ Asset Pipeline on Heroku
- Using Rack::Cache with Memcached in Rails 3.1+ (Including Rails 4)