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Using Rack::Cache with Memcached in Rails 3.1+ (Including Rails 4)
Last updated April 10, 2024
Table of Contents
Heroku recommends using a CDN to speed up delivery of assets over Rack::Cache
for the best visitor experience. If you are already using a CDN, then adding Rack::Cache
will not speed up delivery of assets.
Ruby on Rails applications should use Rack::Cache to efficiently serve assets on Heroku. Proper Rack::Cache usage improves response time, decreases load and is important when serving static assets through your application.
This article summarizes the concepts of caching assets using Rack::Cache and walk you through the appropriate configuration of a Rails 3.1+ application and the asset pipeline. This guide also works perfectly with Rails 4 applications.
We’ve built a small example app. Source code can be found here or
Understanding Rack
Rack is a minimal interface between webservers that support Ruby, and Ruby frameworks. Its purpose is to act as a common interface, so that a webserver simply implements Rack and can now support any ruby web framework that also supports Rack, and vice-versa.
A nice feature that falls out of this design are so called ‘middlewares’. A middleware is simply an application that implements the Rack interface on both sides, that is, it consumes requests from a webserver through the Rack interface and after some processing, passes them onward to another application through the Rack interface. The Rack interface in effect allows for any number of transparent proxy-like services to be put between your webserver and application. For an incoming HTTP request, each middleware performs some action, then passes the request to the next middleware in the ‘rack’. Eventually the request is properly formatted and it will reach your application.
Rack is written to be lightweight and flexible. If middleware can respond to a request directly, then it doesn’t have to hit your Rails application. This means that the request is returned faster, and the overall load on the Rails application is decreased.
Many Ruby web frameworks, including Rails 3+ and Sinatra, are built on top of Rack.
Rack::Cache is a Rack middleware that enables HTTP caching on your application and allows an application to serve assets from a storage backend without requiring work from the main Rails application.
Rack::Cache storage
Rack::Cache has two different storage areas: Meta and Entity stores. The MetaStore keeps high level information about each cache entry including HTTP request and response headers. When a request is received, the core caching logic uses this meta information to determine whether a fresh cache entry exists that can satisfy the request. The EntityStore is where the actual response body content is stored. When a response is entered into the cache, a SHA1 digest of the response body content is calculated and used as a key.
Rack::Cache differentiates between MetaStore and EntityStore to allow you as a user to customize what storage engine is used for each one independently. MetaStore is accessed very frequently but requires little memory, while EntityStore is accessed less often but requires more memory.
Rack::Cache ships with three different storage engines: file
, and memcache
. Storing data in the file
engine is slower
but memory efficient. Using heap
means your process’ memory will be
used which is quicker but can have an impact on performance if it
grows unbounded. Using memcache
is the fastest option though it
isn’t well suited to store large objects.
For more information on the entity and meta stores read about Rack Cache Storage.
Using the MetaStore with the memcache
storage engine, which allows
very quick access to shared meta-data, while using the file
for the EntityStore and its larger objects results in an efficient and
predictable application performance profile and is recommended on
Install Memcached locally
Local installation instructions for other OSs can be found in the MemCachier add-on article.
To run your application locally and test the Rack::Cache setup you will need to have memcached installed. You can install it on Mac OSX using a tool such as homebrew.
$ brew install memcached
At the end of installation homebrew will give you instructions on how to start memcached manually and automatically on system start.
Rails cache-store and Rack::Cache
Rails has it’s own built-in caching system separate from Rack::Cache. In general it serves a different purpose than Rack::Cache.
The rails caching system is for caching controller actions and page fragments, it still invokes your rails code. Rack::Cache on the other hand manages caching of complete static assets such as stylesheets, javascript and images. A cache hit never invokes your Rails code. Rack::Cache is a replacement for a CDN or HTTP cache such as Varnish, Nginx or Apache, while the rails caching system is orthogonal to these.
You can find more on the rails caching system here. Memcache is also a great choice and very well supported for use with it.
Configure Rails cache-store
This step configures the rails caching system to use memcached. This isn’t strictly necessary as the rails caching system is separate from Rack::Cache. However, it’s recommended to unify your caching systems.
You should install the Rack::Cache gem as well as the recommended
memcached client, Dalli. In your
gem 'rack-cache'
gem 'dalli'
While optional, it is also recommended to install the faster kgio IO system:
gem 'kgio'
After running bundle install
to establish Dalli as an application
dependency tell Rails to use the Dalli client for its cache-store in
config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store
Confirm your configuration by starting a local Rails console session and getting/setting a simple key-value.
$ rails c
> mc =
> mc.set('foo', 'bar')
> mc.get('foo')
Once you’ve configured your application to use memcached it’s now time to configure Rack::Cache.
Configure Rack::Cache
Modify your config/environments/production.rb
environment file to
specify the appropriate storage backends for Rails’ built-in
Rack::Cache integration.
If not specified,
automatically retrieves the memcache server location from the
environment variable. If it doesn’t exist it will
default to localhost and default port (11211).
client =["MEMCACHIER_SERVERS"] || "").split(","),
:failover => true,
:socket_timeout => 1.5,
:socket_failure_delay => 0.2,
:value_max_bytes => 10485760)
config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = {
:metastore => client,
:entitystore => client
config.static_cache_control = "public, max-age=2592000"
You can find a full list of configuration options here, but the above should be enough.
We set the :value_max_bytes
option to 10MB as without this,
Rack::Cache will return a HTTP 5xx error response for any asset larger
than 1MB. This occurs as memcached by default only allows values of
1MB or smaller and so Dalli will throw an exception if you try to
a key-value pair larger than 1MB. Increasing :value_max_bytes
to 10MB stops Dalli throwing this error and instead results in the
memcache server returning a miss for any assets larger than 1MB. So
while very large assets won’t be served by Rack::Cache (not much
benefit for these kinds of assets anyway), they won’t cause any
Handling Multiple Dynos
While it is recommended to use the file
storage engine for
EntityStorage, this is not possible on Heroku when using multiple
dynos. The problem is that when using memcache
for the MetaStore,
then all metadata about what files aren’t or are cached currently is
shared across all dynos. However, the file
store is not, it is only
local to a dyno. So the first dyno to cache a file will store it on
its local disk but tell all other dynos that the cache contains the
file. The other dynos will now never find the actual file in their
cache since it doesn’t exist.
The approach we take here is to use memcached for the EntityStore as well. Another option would be to setup each dyno to use a dyno specific prefix on keys for the MetaStore, keeping each dyno’s Rack::Cache independent.
Alternatively, memcached could be dropped altogether and a heap
store used for the MetaStore and a file
store for the EntityStore.
Serve static assets
See the production.rb
config of the reference application on GitHub.
To allow your application to properly serve, invalidate and refresh
static assets, several configuration settings must be updated in
. To have Rails to serve assets
(and so be managed by Rack::Cache), use the serve_static_assets
config.serve_static_assets = true
Additionally, specify how long an item should stay cached by setting the Cache-Control headers. Without a Cache-Control header static files will not be stored by Rack::Cache.
config.static_cache_control = "public, max-age=2592000"
These settings tell Rack::Cache to store static elements for a very long time.
The Cache-Control
header and, in general, HTTP Caching, can be applied to dynamic content as well.
To properly invalidate modified files, Rails keeps a hash digest of
each file, storing it as part of the computed filename. This acts as a
fingerprint of a file so it can be detected when it has changed.
Enable this approach with the config.assets.digest
config.assets.digest = true
You also want to confirm that caching is turned on in production.
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
Provision MemCachier add-on
Since you will use memcache as your Rack::Cache MetaStore, you will need to add the MemCachier add-on to your application on Heroku.
$ heroku addons:create memcachier:dev
----> Adding memcachier on memcachier-direct... done, v24 (free)
MemCachier sets environment variables prefixed with MEMCACHIER
rather than MEMCACHE
. The memcachier
gem, however, fixes this for
you. Include it in your gemfile.
gem "memcachier"
Caching in production
Deploy the application to Heroku and use the heroku logs
command to
view cache output.
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku logs --ps web -t
Using a hard refresh clears your browser cache and is useful for
forcing asset requests. Most browsers will perform a hard refresh with the Shift-R
You should see cache
entries in your production log-stream. Seeing
miss, store
tokens indicate that the item was not found in the cache
but has been saved for the next request.
cache: [GET /assets/application-95bd4fe1de99c1cd91ec8e6f348a44bd.css] miss, store
cache: [GET /assets/application-95fca227f3857c8ac9e7ba4ffed80386.js] miss, store
cache: [GET /assets/rails-782b548cc1ba7f898cdad2d9eb8420d2.png] miss, store
Seeing fresh
indicates that the item was found in your cache and
will be served from it.
cache: [GET /assets/application-95bd4fe1de99c1cd91ec8e6f348a44bd.css] fresh
cache: [GET /assets/application-95fca227f3857c8ac9e7ba4ffed80386.js] fresh
cache: [GET /assets/rails-782b548cc1ba7f898cdad2d9eb8420d2.png] fresh
Congratulations! Your Rails 3.1+ application is now configured to cache static assets using memcached, freeing up dynos to perform dynamic application requests.
If a setting is not configured properly, you might see miss
in your
logs instead of store
or fresh
cache: [GET /assets/application-95bd4fe1de99c1cd91ec8e6f348a44bd.css] miss
cache: [GET /assets/application-95fca227f3857c8ac9e7ba4ffed80386.js] miss
cache: [GET /assets/rails-782b548cc1ba7f898cdad2d9eb8420d2.png] miss
When this happens ensure that the Cache-Control header exists by using
to inspect asset response headers.
$ curl -I ''
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Age: 632
Cache-Control: public, max-age=2592000
Content-length: 70522
Etag: "72351bb81da0eca408d9bd8342f1b972"
Last-Modified: Sun, 25 Mar 2012 01:51:21 GMT
X-Rack-Cache: fresh
The response headers should contain Cache-Control
with the value
specific in the config.static_cache_control
setting i.e.: public, max-age=2592000
. Also confirm that you are seeing the X-Rack-Cache
header indicating the status of your asset (fresh/store/miss). If you
see unexpected results please check your production configuration
Inconsistent file versions
If you modify a file and your server continues to serve the old file
check that you committed it to your git repository before deploying.
You can check to see if it exists in your compiled code by using
heroku run bash
and listing the contents of the public/assets
directory. This directory should contain the hashed asset file names.
$ heroku run bash
Running bash attached to terminal... up, run.1
$ ls public/assets
application-95bd4fe1de99c1cd91ec8e6f348a44bd.css application.css manifest.yml
application-95bd4fe1de99c1cd91ec8e6f348a44bd.css.gz application.css.gz rails-782b548cc1ba7f898cdad2d9eb8420d2.png
application-95fca227f3857c8ac9e7ba4ffed80386.js application.js rails.png
application-95fca227f3857c8ac9e7ba4ffed80386.js.gz application.js.gz
Also confirm that the file is listed in Rails’ manifest.yml
$ cat public/assets/manifest.yml
rails.png: rails-782b548cc1ba7f898cdad2d9eb8420d2.png
application.js: application-95fca227f3857c8ac9e7ba4ffed80386.js
application.css: application-95bd4fe1de99c1cd91ec8e6f348a44bd.css
If the file you’re looking for does not show up try running bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
locally and ensure
that it is in your own public/assets