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Rails Support
- Getting Started on Heroku with Rails 8.x
- Getting Started on Heroku with Rails 7.x
- Deploying Rails Applications with the Puma Web Server
- Deploying Rails Applications with Unicorn
- Deploying to a Custom Rails Environment
- Rails Database Connection Behavior
- HTTP Caching in Ruby with Rails
- Caching Strategies for Rails
- Asset Pipeline for Rails 3 and 4 on Heroku
- Building a Rails 5 Application with Memcache
- Moving an Existing Rails App to Run on JRuby
- Delayed Job (DJ)
- Direct to S3 Image Uploads in Rails
- Maximize Worker Utilization with Resque Pool
- Active Storage on Heroku
- Rails 4 on Heroku
- Rails 4+ Asset Pipeline on Heroku
- Using Rack::Cache with Memcached in Rails 3.1+ (Including Rails 4)