Deploying Rails Applications with the Puma Web Server
Last updated December 04, 2024
Table of Contents
Web applications that process concurrent requests make more efficient use of dyno resources than those that only process one request at a time. Puma is a webserver that competes with Unicorn and allows you to handle concurrent requests.
Puma uses threads, in addition to worker processes, to make more use of available CPU. You can only utilize threads in Puma if your entire code-base is thread safe. Otherwise, you can still use Puma, but must only scale-out through worker processes.
This guide will walk you through deploying a new Rails application to Heroku using the Puma web server. For basic Rails setup, see Getting Started with Rails.
Always test your new deployments in a staging environment before you deploy to your production environment.
Adding Puma to your application
First, add Puma to your app’s Gemfile:
gem 'puma'
Set Puma as the server for your web process in the Procfile
of your application. You can set most values inline:
web: bundle exec puma -t 5:5 -p ${PORT:-3000} -e ${RACK_ENV:-development}
However, we recommend generating a config file:
web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
Make sure the Procfile
is appropriately capitalized and checked into git.
Create a configuration file for Puma at config/puma.rb
or at a path of your choosing. For a simple Rails application, we recommend the following basic configuration:
workers Integer(ENV['WEB_CONCURRENCY'] || 2)
threads_count = Integer(ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] || 5)
threads threads_count, threads_count
# Support IPv6 by binding to host `::` instead of ``
port(ENV['PORT'] || 3000, "::")
# Turn off keepalive support for better long tails response time with Router 2.0
# Remove this line when is closed, and the fix is released
enable_keep_alives(false) if respond_to?(:enable_keep_alives)
rackup DefaultRackup if defined?(DefaultRackup)
environment ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development'
on_worker_boot do
# Worker-specific setup for Rails 4.1 to 5.2, after 5.2 it's not needed
# See:
You must also ensure that your Rails application has enough database connections available in the pool for all threads and workers. (This will be covered later).
workers Integer(ENV['WEB_CONCURRENCY'] || 2)
To manually configure this value use
heroku config:set WEB_CONCURRENCY
. Load test your application to find the right value for your app.
Puma forks multiple OS processes within each dyno to allow a Rails app to support multiple concurrent requests. In Puma terminology, these are referred to as worker processes (not to be confused with Heroku worker processes which run in their dynos). Worker processes are isolated from one another at the OS level, therefore not needing to be thread-safe.
Multi-process mode does not work if you are using JRuby or Windows because the JVM and Windows do not support processes. Omit this line from your config if you are using JRuby or Windows.
Each worker process used consumes additional memory. This behavior limits how many processes you can run in a single dyno. With a typical Rails memory footprint, you can expect to run 2-4 Puma worker processes on an eco
, basic
or standard-1x
dyno. Your application may allow for more or less, depending on your specific memory footprint. We recommend specifying this number in a config var to allow for faster application tuning. Monitor your application logs for R14 errors (memory quota exceeded) via one of our logging addons or Heroku logs.
threads_count = Integer(ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] || 5)
threads threads_count, threads_count
Puma can serve each request in a thread from an internal thread pool. This behavior allows Puma to provide additional concurrency for your web application. Loosely speaking, workers consume more RAM and threads consume more CPU, and both offer more concurrency.
On MRI, there is a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) that ensures only one thread can run at any time. IO operations such as database calls, interacting with the file system, or making external http calls will not lock the GIL. Most Rails applications heavily use IO, so adding additional threads will allow Puma to process multiple threads, gaining you more throughput. JRuby and Rubinius also benefit from using Puma. These Ruby implementations do not have a GIL and will run all threads in parallel regardless of what is happening in them.
Puma allows you to configure your thread pool with a min
and max
setting, controlling the number of threads each Puma instance uses. The min threads setting allows your application to spin down resources when not under load. This feature is not needed on Heroku as your application can consume all of the resources on a given dyno. We recommend setting min to equal max.
Each Puma worker will be able to spawn up to the maximum number of threads you specify.
Preload app
Preloading your application reduces the startup time of individual Puma worker processes and allows you to manage the external connections of each worker using the on_worker_boot
calls. In the config above, these calls are used to establish Postgres connections for each worker process correctly.
On worker boot
Using on_worker_boot
is no longer needed for Rails 5.2+ apps as forked connections will automatically re-connect.
The on_worker_boot
block runs after a worker spawns, but before it begins to accept requests. This block is especially useful for connecting to different services as connections cannot be shared between multiple processes. This behavior is similar to Unicorn’s after_fork
block. It is only needed if you are using multi-process mode (i.e. have specified workers
If you are using Rails 4.1+ you can use the database.yml to set your connection pool size, and this is all you need to do:
on_worker_boot do
# Worker-specific setup for Rails 4.1 to 5.2, after 5.2 it's not needed.
# For apps using the `config/database.yml` method of setting `pool` size
Otherwise, you must be very specific with the reconnection code:
on_worker_boot do
# Valid on Rails up to 4.1 the initializer method of setting `pool` size
ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] ||
config['pool'] = ENV['RAILS_MAX_THREADS'] || 5
If you are already using an initializer, you should switch over to the
method as soon as possible. Using an initializer requires duplicating code if when using hybrid mode in Puma. The initializer method can cause confusion over what is happening and is the source of numerous support tickets.
In the default configuration, we are setting the database pool size. For more information, please read Concurrency and Database Connections in Ruby with ActiveRecord. We also make sure to create a new connection to the database here.
You will need to re-connect to any datastore such as Postgres, Redis, or memcache. In the pre-load section, we show how to reconnect Active Record. If you are using Resque, which connects to Redis, you would need to reconnect:
on_worker_boot do
# ...
if defined?(Resque)
Resque.redis = ENV["<redis-uri>"] || "redis://"
If you get connection errors while booting up your application, consult the gem documentation for the service you are attempting to communicate with to see how you can re-connect in this block.
rackup DefaultRackup
Use the rackup
command to tell Puma how to start your rack app. This configuration should point at your applications
, which is automatically generated by Rails when you create a new project.
This line may not be necessary on newer versions of Puma.
# Support IPv6 by binding to host `::` instead of ``
port(ENV['PORT'] || 3000, "::")
Heroku will set ENV['PORT']
when the web process boots up. Locally, default this to 3000
to match the Rails default. The host will use "::"
which is the IPv6 equivalent of
# Turn off keepalive support for better long tails response time with Router 2.0
# Remove this line when is closed, and the fix is released
enable_keep_alives(false) if respond_to?(:enable_keep_alives)
When using Heroku router 2.0, requests passed to the dyno may use the HTTP/1.1 feature “keepalive.” A bug documented in Puma allows such a request to monopolize a web thread, resulting in worse long tail response times. When that issue is closed and a version of Puma is released with the fix, you may remove this line.
environment ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development'
Set the environment of Puma. On Heroku ENV['RACK_ENV']
will be set to 'production'
by default.
There is no request timeout mechanism inside of Puma. The Heroku router will timeout all requests that exceed 30 seconds. Although an error will be returned to the client, Puma will continue to work on the request as there is no way for the router to notify Puma that the request terminated early. To avoid clogging your processing ability, we recommend using Rack::Timeout
to terminate long-running requests and locate their source.
Add the Rack Timeout gem to your project then set your timeout value via an environment variable
$ heroku config:set RACK_TIMEOUT_SERVICE_TIMEOUT=20
Now any requests that continue for 20 seconds will be terminated and a stack trace output to your logs. The stack trace should help you determine what part of your application is causing the timeout so you can fix it.
Note: This environment variable support requires rack-timeout 0.5.0+.
To understand the various rack-timeout settings, you can see how they behave with a set of interactive rack-timeout demos.
If your application gets an excessive number of timeout errors from Heroku - H12 then you are at risk of putting your application in a unrecoverable state. While we recommend using rack-timeout, you must make sure your application has enough dynos to handle peak load and that you do not have any runaway performance issues. Rack timeout uses Thread.raise, which may prevent your application from cleaning up resources, such as connections in a connection pool.
To understand if your application has enough dynos, you can enable and monitor the Puma Pool Usage. Assuming your Puma workers and threads are set correctly then a steady usage value under 20% indicates your app has too many dynos, if it goes over 80% then your application could likely benefit from adding additional dynos.
If your application has enough dynos, but you are still getting timeouts, you’ll need to investigate your application performance. We recommend an APM addon such as Scout or New Relic. To understand and tune an application, we recommend reading the Complete Guide to Rails Performance.
Slow clients
A slow client is one that sends and receives data slowly. For example, an app that receives images uploaded by users from mobile phones that are not on WiFi, 4G, or other fast networks. This type of connection can cause a denial of service for some servers, such as Unicorn, as workers must sit idle as they wait for the request to finish. To protect your application either move to a server with built-in slow client protection, such as Puma or run behind a proxy server such as NGINX that handles slow clients. The Unicorn web server must run behind NGINX, or it is vulnerable to slow client attacks.
Puma can allow multiple slow clients to connect without requiring a worker to be blocked on the request transaction. Because of this, Puma handles slow clients gracefully. Heroku recommends Puma for use in scenarios where you expect slow clients.
For more details on how Puma mitigates slow clients read Puma 4: New I/O 4 Your Server
Database connections
As you add more concurrency to your application, it will need more connections to your database. A good formula for determining the number of connections each application will require is to multiply the RAILS_MAX_THREADS
. This combination will determine the number of connections each dyno will consume.
Rails maintains its database connection pool, with a new pool created for each worker process. Threads within a worker will operate on the same pool. Make sure there are enough connections inside of your Rails database connection pool so that RAILS_MAX_THREADS
number of connections can be used. If you see this error:
ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError - could not obtain a database connection within 5 seconds
This error is an indication that your Rails connection pool is too low. For an in-depth look at these topics, please read the Dev Center article Concurrency and Database Connections.
It is possible to set a “backlog” value for Puma. This setting is the number of requests that will be queued at the socket before Puma begins rejecting HTTP requests. The default value is to 1024. We recommend not modifying this value or decreasing it. It may seem like a good idea to reduce this value, so when a dyno is busy, a request can get sent to a less busy dyno. When Heroku re-routes a bounced request, it assumes your entire app is saturated. Each connection gets delayed by 5 seconds, so you’re automatically being penalized 5 seconds per request. You can read more about routing behavior. In addition, when one of your dynos starts bouncing requests, it’s likely due to an increase in load and all of your dynos will be bouncing requests. Repeatedly bouncing the same request will result in higher error rates for your customers.
An arbitrarily high backlog value allows your dyno to handle a spike in requests. Lowering this value does little to speed up your app, and will actively cause more failed requests for your customers. Heroku recommends NOT setting the backlog value and instead of using the default value.
Thread safety
Thread-safe code can run across multiple threads without error. Not all Ruby code is threadsafe, and it can be challenging to determine if your code and all of the libraries you are using can run across multiple threads.
Until Rails 4, there was a thread safe compatibility mode that could be toggled. Though just because Rails is thread-safe, it doesn’t guarantee your code will be.
If you haven’t run your application in a threaded environment such as sidekiq or Puma before, you can first try using Puma and adding Rack::Lock middleware which wraps each request in a mutex so that every request is effectively run synchronously.
# config/initializers/rack_lock.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Lock
While Rack::Lock
will ensure that there are no thread-safety issues with your application, the synchronous nature of the middleware does mean that your application will respond slower than if you are using threads. Here is an example of an application that was deployed to production using multiple workers and three threads per worker. Rack::Lock was introduced for illustrative purposes, slightly before 8:30 pm. You can see the increase request time marked in purple under “middleware”.
While Rack::Lock
prevents multiple threads from being utilized, you can still gain concurrency by adding workers. Since a worker runs in a different process and does not share memory, code that is not thread-safe can run across multiple worker processes. However, for maximum efficiency, we recommend being able to run with both processes and threads.
Thread Safety Tips
If you would like to start using a threaded worker or web server such as Puma, how can you know if your app is threadsafe? Unfortunately, there is no accurate litmus test for thread-safety, but there are some common areas you can look for:
Ensure Thread-safe Dependencies Make sure all of your gems are threadsafe, most (if not all) gems that are reasonably popular and have had a release within the past year should be threadsafe.
Don’t mutate globals In general, you want to make sure that you’re not mutating any globally accessible values, for example, if you were using Kernel.const_set
in a request, that would affect all requests on all threads and not just the current one. You can get an idea for some other areas that are not thread-safe from this stack overflow answer.
Use rack-freeze This gem prevents you from accidentally mutating your middleware. Rack freeze is different than Rack::Lock and won’t slow down your app. If you’ve written your Rack middleware, it’s easy to introduce a threading bug since each instance touches multiple requests, for example, this middleware is not threadsafe:
# Your Custom middleware
class StatusMessage
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env)
status, headers, response =
if status == 200
@message = response
@message = "Bad response"
# Value of @message could change here
# if another thread has executed,
# this is called a "race condition"
[status, headers, @message]
# in config/application.rb
config.middleware.use StatusMessage
In this case, @message
is global because the same object is used across every response. It can be fixed by using a local variable, message
instead of an instance variable @message
. If you are using rack-freeze, the gem will call the freeze
method on your middleware so an exception will be changed if any internal state changes. This gem should allow you to catch any thread-safety issues in development before you deploy to production.
Stage and deploy Once you’re ready to move forward, remove Rack::Lock
from your project, you can make sure that it’s gone by running
$ RAILS_ENV=production rake middleware
First, deploy to a staging app or Review app. Increase your thread count above one. We recommend a default thread count of five per worker, but you may want to start with a lower value and work your way up:
$ Heroku config:set MIN_THREADS=2 RAILS_MAX_THREADS=2
Once you have your application running on staging, have several co-workers access the site simultaneously.
You need to monitor exceptions and look for errors such as **deadlock detected (fatal). Concurrency bugs can be challenging to identify and fix, so make sure to test your application thoroughly before deploying to production. If you can make your application thread-safe, the benefit is significant, as scaling out with Puma threads and workers provide more throughput than using workers alone.
Once you are confident that your application behaves as expected, you can deploy to production and increase your thread count.
Recommended default Puma process and thread configuration
Here are our default recommended values for Puma processes and threads:
Dyno Type | Recommended web process count (WEB_CONCURRENCY) | Recommended web thread count (RAILS_MAX_THREADS) |
eco | 1 (2 if enough memory) | 5 |
basic | 1 (2 if enough memory) | 5 |
standard-1x | 1 (2 if enough memory) | 5 |
standard-2x | 2 | 5 |
performance-m | 2 | 5 |
performance-l | 8 | 5 |
performance-l-ram | 4 | 5 |
performance-xl | 8 | 5 |
performance-2xl | 16 | 5 |
Regardless of what we recommend here, you must tune the values to your application. If your application encounters R14 - Memory Quota Exceeded errors, you should consider reducing your process count.
The following material is not comprehensive and is subject to change. For a full understanding of tuning your application’s performance, we recommend The Complete Guide to Rails Performance.
Process count value
Increasing process count increases RAM utilization, which can be a limiting factor. Another factor for setting this value is the number of physical cores on the system. Due to the GVL, the Ruby interpreter (MRI) can only run one thread executing Ruby code at a time. Due to this limitation, to fully make use of multiple cores, your application should have a process count that matches the number of physical cores on the system.
If you go above the physical core count, then the processes will contend for limited resources. Due to this contention, they will spend extra time context switching that could have been spent executing code.
You can find the number of vCPUs on your dyno by running nproc
on a system via heroku run bash
. For example:
$ heroku run bash --size=performance-l
$ nproc
The value returned by nproc
includes “hyperthreads” in addition to physical cores, the combination of these two are refered to as the vCPU count. All physical cores used on Heroku have a hyperthread so to gain the “true” number of physical cores divide by two. For example, with performance-l dynos, there are four physical cores and four hyperthreads. This dyno can only physically execute instructions from four processes at a time.
The value for nproc
from eco
, basic
, standard-1x
, and standard-2x
dynos are correct, but these cores are shared between multiple applications running in containers. While nproc
for these dynos will all return 8
, it is best to assume only one process can execute at a time.
While the number of physical cores dictates the maximum number of processes that can execute at a given time, there are cases you want to tune process count above physical core count. Multiple processes can provide redundancy in case one process crashes. When a Puma worker process crashes, it will be restarted, but this process is not instantaneous. While the master process is replacing a worker process, having redundancy can mean that the second process can still process requests. For this reason, we typically recommend a minimum of 2
processes, if possible.
The other reason to have multiple processes that exceed physical core count is if your application is not thread-safe and cannot run multiple threads. If you are only running one process in this scenario, then your core will be idle while your application makes IO calls, such as network requests or database queries. In this scenario, having an extra process would allow it to work on another request while waiting on IO.
The final consideration when setting process type is memory use. Scaling out through processes typically uses more memory than using more threads. For more information on this, see: what is a thread. If your application is using so much memory that it starts to swap to disk, this will dramatically reduce the performance of your application. We highly recommend tuning your process count so that your application does not encounter a R14 - Memory Quota Exceeded error.
Thread count value
Once you’ve found an optimal value for your process count, you can further tune the system’s thread count. Threads in a Ruby (MRI) process allow your app to work on multiple requests at a time when there is IO involved (database calls, network calls, etc.). It is “cheaper” for an operating system to context switch between threads, and they also generally consume less memory overall than processes since they share memory. Adding more threads to a system will increase the overall memory use of the Ruby app over time, but it’s not usually the main concern for tuning the thread number.
We recommend the same number of threads for each process type. We picked five in part because it is the default value for the Active Record connection pool, but also in part because research has shown the value to be “good enough”:
What you’re seeing there, with 5-10 threads being optimal for an I/O-heavy workload, is pretty typical of CRuby. Appfolio: Threads, Processes, and Fibers
Dyno load to tune thread counts (on Performance dynos) - Heroku does provide a Dyno Load metric to understand CPU utilization. Ideally, when tuning overall thread count (number of processes multiplied by the number of threads), you want to consume all CPU time available to your application. The load value in this metric represents the number of tasks/threads that are waiting or currently executing at a given time. If this number is high, it indicates there are too many threads spawned and that your application may be suffering from contention. If the number very infrequently rises above your physical core count, then your application may benefit from additional threads.
For more information see What is an acceptable amount of Dyno load?
Sample code
The open-source CodeTriage project uses Puma, and you can see the Puma config file in the repo