Heroku-22 stack is now generally available

Change effective on 15 June 2022

Heroku-22, our stack based on Ubuntu 22.04 Long Term Support, is now generally available. It will be supported until the end of April 2027.

The Heroku-20 stack remains the default stack for newly created applications until further notice.

If your organization uses Review Apps or Heroku CI, we recommend testing Heroku-22 by defining your stack in app.json:

  "stack": "heroku-22"

Existing apps can be upgraded by running this command and pushing a new build:

$ heroku stack:set heroku-22

The Heroku-22 stack article contains a list of changes over the Heroku-20 stack. Instructions for upgrading and testing a new stack with your app also contain information specific to Heroku-22.