This add-on is operated by Rackspace Hosting
High-Performance MongoDB + Fanatical Support™ | objectrocket.com/mongodb-heroku
ObjectRocket for MongoDB
Last updated October 02, 2024
Table of Contents
ObjectRocket for MongoDB is a fully managed platform for providing MongoDB. The ObjectRocket platform is built for scalability, speed, and safety. Each and every instance comes with 24x7x365 database admin support - free!
Provisioning the add-on
ObjectRocket for MongoDB can be attached to a Heroku application via the CLI:
A list of all plans available can be found here.
$ heroku addons:create ormongo:5-mmap
Creating ormongo-infinite-92036... done, (free)
Adding ormongo-infinite-92036 to serene-brushlands-93817... done
Setting ORMONGO_URL and restarting serene-brushlands-93817... done, v13
Use `heroku addons:docs ormongo` to view documentation.
Once ObjectRocket for MongoDB has been added, ORMONGO_URL
settings will be available in the app configuration and will contain the connection information for your new MongoDB instance. This can be confirmed using the heroku config:get
$ heroku config:get ORMONGO_RS_URL
string is the preferred option, as it provides full replica-set information and enables better app resiliency. However, we still provide the ORMONGO_URL
for some older applications that don’t accept the replica-set connection string format
Open the dashboard
Now we’ll go to the dashboard to create the app database and the app user for accessing the database. Let’s use the toolbox to open the dashboard.
$ heroku addons:open ormongo
Opening https://addons-sso.heroku.com/apps/serene-brushlands-93817/addons/fdb06610-23a3-4e50-af4f-296ae804ed03...
Your ObjectRocket for MongoDB dashboard opens onto the instance details.
Adding a Database and User
Scroll down to the Databases section and expand it. Now click on ‘Add Database’ and provide the database name you like, a user and the password for that user.
After adding the database and user to your ObjectRocket for MongoDB instance you are ready to start writing and saving data. Scroll down for examples using the most common frameworks and drivers.
Environment setup
After provisioning the add-on it’s necessary to locally replicate the config vars so your development environment can operate against the ObjectRocket for MongoDB instance.
Use the Heroku Local command-line tool to configure, run and manage process types specified in your app’s Procfile. Heroku Local reads configuration variables from a .env
file. To view all of your app’s config vars, type heroku config
. Use the following command for each value that you want to add to your .env
$ heroku config:get ORMONGO_RS_URL -s >> .env
Credentials and other sensitive configuration values should not be committed to source-control. In Git exclude the .env
file with: echo .env >> .gitignore
For more information, see the Heroku Local article.
Using with mongo Shell
The mongo shell provide quick command line access to your MongoDB instance and is generally included with the MongoDB distribution.
To connect via mongo shell (and any of the other clients below), you will need:
- Your MongoDB connection string from
, or the ObjectRocket dashboard - The database you created via the ObjectRocket dashboard above
- The username and password you created via the ObjectRocket dashboard above
- any other options you’d like to set, like ssl
$ mongo --username <YOUR_USERNAME> "mongodb://iad2-c99-1.mongo.objectrocket.com:12345,iad2-c99-0.mongo.objectrocket.com:12345,iad2-c99-2.mongo.objectrocket.com:12345/<YOUR_DATABASE>?replicaSet=431234544505471ea4867e30d14abc1f&ssl=true"
You will then be prompted for your password, before connecting to the mongo shell.
Using with Rails 3.x
Ruby on Rails applications will need to add the following entry into their Gemfile
specifying the MongoDB client driver.
gem 'mongo', '~> 2.1'
Update application dependencies with bundler.
$ bundle install
Try it out in a simple script.
require 'mongo'
Mongo::Logger.logger.level = Logger::WARN
client_host = ['iad1-mongos0.objectrocket.com:12345']
client_options = {
database: 'db1',
user: 'example_username',
password: 'example_password',
ssl: true
client = Mongo::Client.new(client_host, client_options)
puts('Client Connection: ')
puts('Collection Names: ')
Output from above script should look like this.
Client Connection:
<Mongo::Cluster:0x70194211277920 servers=[<Mongo::Server:0x70194203419280 address=iad-c17-0.objectrocket.com:12345>, <Mongo::Server:0x70194203425760 address=iad-c17-1.objectrocket.com:49022>] topology=Replica Set>
Collection Names:
Using with Python/Django
PyMongo is the recommended Python driver for working with MongoDB.
Installation is simple and uses the following pip command.
$ sudo pip install pymongo
Try it out in a simple script.
import pymongo
from datetime import datetime
settings = {
'host': 'iad-mongos0.objectrocket.com:12345',
'database': 'example_db',
'username': 'example',
'password': 'example_pass',
'options': 'w=1&ssl=true'
example_doc = { "start": datetime.utcnow(),
"end": datetime(2015, 8, 22, 16, 22, 38),
"location": "Texas",
"official_game": False,
"winner": "Javi",
"players": [
"name": "Javi",
"decks": [
"points": 24,
"place": 1
"name": "Seth",
"decks": [
"points": 20,
"place": 2
"name": "Dave",
"decks": [
"points": 20,
"place": 2
"name": "Castro",
"decks": [
"points": 18,
"place": 4
conn = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://{username}:{password}@{host}/{database}?{options}".format(**settings))
except Exception as ex:
print "Error:", ex
exit('Failed to connect, terminating.')
db = conn.example_db
collection = db.test_collection
doc_id = collection.insert_one(example_doc).inserted_id
print "Heres the _id of the doc I inserted: %s." % doc_id
Output from above.
$ python pymongo_example.py
Heres the _id of the doc I inserted: 55ce1520f643f056fd1c9887.
Using with Node.js
Installing the Node.js driver is simple, using the usual npm install procedure.
$ npm install mongodb
Try it out in a simple script.
// Require mongodb
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
// Connect
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://example:example_pass@iad-mongos0.objectrocket.com:12345/example_db?ssl=true", function(err, db) {
if (err) {
return console.dir(err);
var example_doc = {
"start" : new Date(),
"end" : new Date(2015, 9, 28, 14, 17, 23, 0),
"location" : "Texas",
"official_game" : false,
"winner" : "Javi",
"players" : [
"name": "Javi",
"decks": [
"points": 24,
"place": 1
"name": "Seth",
"decks": [
"points": 20,
"place": 2
"name": "Dave",
"decks": [
"points": 20,
"place": 2
"name": "Castro",
"decks": [
"points": 18,
"place": 4
var collection = db.collection('example_collection');
collection.insert(example_doc, {w:1}, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
return console.dir(err);
} else {
console.log("Inserted a doc!");
collection.findOne({"winner":"Javi"},function(err, doc) {
if (err) {
return console.dir(err);
} else {
Output from the script above should like similar to this.
$ node inserting_doc.js
Inserted a doc!
start: Thu Sep 03 2015 12:22:26 GMT-0500 (CDT)
end: Wed Oct 28 2015 14:17:23 GMT-0500 (CDT)
location: Texas
official_game: false
winner: Javi
name: Javi
- Dinosaurs
- Plants
points: 24
place: 1
name: Seth
- Spies
- Zombies
points: 20
place: 2
name: Dave
- Steampunk
- Wizard
points: 20
place: 2
name: Castro
- Shapeshifters
- Ninjas
points: 18
place: 4
_bsontype: ObjectID
id: Uàé7ÿ¥8�L±
Monitoring and alerts
NewRelic integrations
ObjectRocket for MongoDB can send statistics about this instance to your NewRelic dashboard. It requires you to enter a valid NewRelic license key within the ObjectRocket dashboard, under the Instance Settings.
Instance storage usage
An alert can be sent to your email anytime your instances’s storage usage exceeds the percentage defined in the Instance Settings. Any number between 1 and 100 is valid. An empty or 0 value disables the notifications.
By default we set the threshold to 90 for all new Heroku instances.
The ObjectRocket for MongoDB dashboard allows you to easily view your instance health, disk usage, schedule weekly stepdown and disk compaction windows, and set a disk space alert.
The dashboard can be accessed via the CLI.
$ heroku addons:open ormongo
Opening https://addons-sso.heroku.com/apps/serene-brushlands-93817/addons/c70c7791-0a45-4f71-8c02-11c69ff21178...
or by visiting the Heroku Dashboard and selecting the application in question. Select ObjectRocket for MongoDB from the Add-ons menu.
Why can’t I connect to my MongoDB instance?
You will not be able to access your MongoDB instance until you have created a database and added a user to access it with.
Each instance comes pre-configured with a wildcard ACL. Removing this will prevent you from connecting.
How do I enable SSL/TLS on my MongoDB instance?
All ObjectRocket MongoDB instances support SSL connections.
To use SSL, add ssl=true
to the connection string or use the appropriate setting in your MongoDB client driver.
Example for ORMONGO_URL
Example for ORMONGO_RS_URL
Can I customize the ACLs on my MongoDB instance?
As noted above, by default we create a wildcard ACL, but you are free to customize this range if you’re using a private space or using an add-on that provides static IP addresses. You can specify additional IPs/CIDRs or remove existing ranges in the the ObjectRocket Dashboard. Please see the warning above if you’re not sure which ranges you’ll be connecting from.
This Heroku Help Article provides more information on determining which IPs to whitelist.
Can I use The ObjectRocket for MongoDB with Heroku Private Spaces?
Currently, the ObjectRocket for MongoDB add-on is not available in Heroku Private Spaces, but you can connect from an application in a Private Space to an ObjectRocket for MongoDB instance running in a common runtime region.
The Heroku Dev Center provides excellent documentation on how “datastore” Add-ons operate in Private Spaces.
Where is my instance hosted?
Our US plan is hosted in a Rackspace data center located in Northern Virginia next to AWS US-East and utilizes AWS DirectConnect to ensure minimal latency while still taking advantage of our optimized hardware.
What version of MongoDB will my instance be?
ObjectRocket for MongoDB instance are currently running version 4.4.20 for WiredTiger if a version is not specified in the create call.
How do I add users to my instance?
You can add users by going to the ObjectRocket dashboard, navigating to the database and adding the wanted user.
How often are backups and how long is the retention period?
Each instance is protected by replication. Should any component fail, the replica set architecture of MongoDB provides the primary level of high availability, fault tolerance, and uptime. However as a last resort and for overall data protection backups are taken daily and the default backup retention is two weeks.
What is a stepdown and compaction and why is it important?
A compaction is simply a way to keep MongoDB’s space usage in check by rebuilding the data files to ensure it’s only using as much space as it needs. We explain in more detail in our What is a Compaction? guide.
Stepdown and compaction can be automated via the instance options in the dashboard.
How do I upgrade my plan?
You may upgrade your ObjectRocket plan using the Heroku CLI or Dashboard.
The ObjectRocket dashboard may take a few hours to display the new size. Please contact support via Heroku Support channels if you encounter any issues.
Removing the add-on
ObjectRocket for MongoDB can be removed via the CLI.
This will destroy all associated data and cannot be undone!
$ heroku addons:destroy ormongo --confirm [your-app-name]
Destroying ormongo-infinite-92036 on serene-brushlands-93817... done, (free)
Removing vars for ORMONGO from serene-brushlands-93817 and restarting... done, v14
ObjectRocket for MongoDB will retain your instance data for up to 24 hours in the event an instance was accidentally deleted. Submit an issue via the Heroku Support channels if you need assistance in restoring a instance that was deleted in error.
All ObjectRocket for MongoDB support and runtime issues should be submitted via one of the Heroku Support channels. Any non-support related issues or product feedback is welcome at sales@objectrocket.com. ) is a fully managed platform for providing MongoDB. The ObjectRocket platform is built for scalability, speed, and safety. Each and every instance comes with 24x7x365 database admin support - free!
Migration from Heroku mLab MongoDB
We have built an automated MongoDB Migration Tool that is fully self-serve and requires no downtime to assist Heroku mLab MongoDB customers with migrating their MongoDB instance(s) over to ObjectRocket. Please make sure that you read the full documentation before leveraging this tool.