This add-on is operated by Knapsack Sp. z o.o.
Run your 1-hour test suite in 2 minutes with optimal parallelization.
Knapsack Pro
Last updated January 26, 2024
Table of Contents
Knapsack Pro wraps your current test runner(s) and works with your existing CI infrastructure to parallelize tests optimally:
- Dynamically splits your tests based on up-to-date test execution data
- Is designed from the ground up for CI and supports all of them
- Tracks your CI builds to detect bottlenecks
- Does not have access to your source code and collects minimal test data (with opt-in encryption)
- Enables you to export historical metrics about your CI builds
- Supports out-of-the-box any Ruby test runners, Cypress, Jest (and provides both SDK and API to integrate with any other language)
- Replaces local dependencies like Redis with an API and runs your tests regardless of network problems
Provisioning the add-on
Knapsack Pro can be attached to a Heroku application using the Heroku CLI:
$ heroku addons:create knapsack-pro --app YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME
Once Knapsack Pro has been added, sign into the Knapsack Pro dashboard to get an API token for your test suite, and find the installation guide for your test runner and CI provider.
Knapsack Pro dashboard
The Knapsack Pro dashboard can be accessed via the CLI:
$ heroku addons:open knapsack-pro --app YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME
or by visiting the Heroku dashboard, selecting the application, and then selecting Knapsack Pro from the add-ons menu.
The list of all plans can be found here.
Migrating between plans
Plans migration is easy and instant: it requires no code change and does not affect your existing collected test timing data.
You can use the command below to migrate to a new plan:
# Upgrade to a parallel-10 plan
$ heroku addons:upgrade knapsack-pro:parallel-10 --app YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME
Attaching the add-on to another app
The Knapsack Pro add-on is shareable across Heroku apps. This can be useful, for instance, when you have staging and production Heroku apps.
You can provision the Knapsack Pro add-on for the production application and later attach it to the staging application, so all developers can easily access the add-on from the Heroku dashboard.
Remember to generate a new API token for each project in the Knapsack Pro dashboard.
# Copy the add-on name for Knapsack Pro
$ heroku addons --app YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME
# Replace knapsack-pro-production-infinite-32142 with the name copied above
$ heroku addons:attach knapsack-pro-production-infinite-32142 --app YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME
All Knapsack Pro Heroku add-on support and runtime issues should be submitted via the Heroku Support channels.
Also, you can send us your suggestions and feedback at knapsackpro.com.
Removing the add-on
Knapsack Pro can be removed using the Heroku CLI.
Removing the add-on will mark your organization account in Knapsack Pro as de-provisioned (you will not be able to use the API tokens to split tests). Within 30 days your collected test timing data will be destroyed.
$ heroku addons:destroy knapsack-pro --app YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME