Add-on Partner API Reference
Last updated March 12, 2025
Table of Contents
The Add-on Partner API facilitates the provisioning, configuration, updating, and deprovisioning of add-on resources between Heroku and an add-on partner. In some cases a request is sent from Heroku to the add-on partner, and in other cases the request originates from the add-on partner and is sent to Heroku. If you are new to Heroku or are interested in taking your integration further, please take a look at the Platform API for Partners, which provides a guided introduction and includes information on additional endpoints.
Authentication & SSL
Calls from Heroku to the base_url
for your service will include an Authorization
header and MUST be validated using the id
and api:password
from your add-on manifest. The base_url
MUST be an https url with a valid SSL certificate. For example if your manifest has an id
of addon-slug
, and an api:password
of super-secret
then requests to your service will include this header Authorization: Basic YWRkb24tc2x1ZzpzdXBlci1zZWNyZXQ=
Calls from your service to the Heroku API MUST use an OAuth access_token
. The access_token
, and refresh_token
are obtained by exchanging a oauth_grant:code
included in the initial provision request.
Requests MAY be sent multiple times (Heroku follows the pattern of at least once delivery), and endpoints MUST respond idempotently. For example, in the case of creating a resource multiple POSTs with the same parameters should only provision a single resource. The uuid
SHOULD be used as a way to disambiguate duplicate requests. We recommend that a unique constraint be enabled at the database level on the uuid
sent by Heroku to guard against duplicating work when such duplication would affect the outcome. The discussions of each interaction below adds more specifics about handling repeated idempotent requests.
Request bodies MAY contain additional elements not currently documented here, and such requests should be treated as valid.
Your service SHOULD respond within 500 milliseconds. Currently, it MUST return within 20 seconds or the request will fail. This upper limit will be reduced over time at our discretion and based on our analysis.
The current version of the Add-on Partner API is version 3. Requests from Heroku to your service are versioned using the Accept
header. For v3 requests this is set to application/vnd.heroku-addons+json; version=3
. When making requests to Heroku on the Platform API you should use the Accept
header specified by the Platform API reference. Currently this is application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3
Response Bodies
All response bodies MUST contain valid JSON.
If your API CAN NOT fulfill a request, you SHOULD respond with an appropriate HTTP status code in the 4xx range if it is due to an invalid request (e.g. non-existent plan) or 5xx range if your API is experiencing unexpected errors. The error response body MUST contain valid JSON.
For 4xx and 5xx responses on provision and plan change requests, the message
property from your JSON response will be displayed to the user. For all other responses, and when no message
property is available, a generic error message will be displayed.
For common types of errors, it is recommended that your API add an id
property to error payloads that contains a short keyword identifying the type of error. For an example, see how Heroku does it in our Platform API Reference. In the future, such identifiers may be exposed to partners in metrics and tooling for analysis.
Failed Attempts to provision, deprovision etc, are available in the Partner Portal. We encourage you to monitor this list as it gives visibility into problems that customers are having.
Platform API
After your add-on resource is provisioned, you can use the Platform API to query information about your add-on installations or to update the configuration vars for your add-on.
Add-on Provision
A provision request from Heroku to your add-on service.
We support both synchronous and asynchronous add-on provisioning. If your provisioning process requires more than a few seconds, you should use asynchronous provisioning. This allows you to complete add-on resource setup in the background and notify Heroku upon completion. Please see Getting Started with Asynchronous Provisioning for a detailed overview and explanation of related policies.
The provisioning process is very similar under synchronous or asynchronous scenarios - we send a POST to the endpoint you registered in your manifest with a set of parameters, documented below. Your service can decide on each provision request whether to respond for synchronous, asynchronous, or failed provisioning by returning the appropriate HTTP response code.
The add-on provision request POST /heroku/resources
sent from Heroku to the partner is expected to be idempotent. In other words, the same request MAY be sent to the partner multiple times, but only a single resource SHOULD be created per uuid
, and the same response SHOULD be returned each time. However, if the resource has been deprovisioned, it SHOULD NOT be created again and a 410 SHOULD be returned. In order to facilitate data expunging by the partner the time frame in which a provision request may be retried is limited to 24 hours.
If you cannot support a provisioning request due to the parameters of the requested plan being unsupported by your add-on service, return a 422
status code along with an explanatory JSON encoded message
. This message
will be displayed to the customer in whatever context they’ve requested your add-on.
Asynchronous Provisioning
Under asynchronous provisioning, when an add-on receives a provisioning request from Heroku, it must do the following:
- Issue a response with a
202 Accepted
status code and a relevantmessage
to be displayed to customers. This lets Heroku know you’re in the process of provisioning the requisite resources, - Persist the metadata included in Heroku’s request so you can correctly fulfill future add-on requests (upgrades/downgrades, deprovisions, SSO dashboard sign-ins, etc.)
- Provision the necessary resources in your infrastructure,
- Exchange the OAuth grant token we sent in the provisioning request to allow for resource scoped OAuth Platform API for Partners access,
- (Optional) Update Heroku with the correct add-on configuration value which will be included in the owning app’s ENV, and
- Mark the add-on resource as
. If you don’t mark a resource asprovisioned
, we’ll assume it’s stuck and deprovision it after around 12 hours.
Some add-ons (for instance, those that only add log drains) may not need to include configuration values in an app’s ENV, and can skip updating the add-on configuration step.
A release is cut for the app that owns the add-on resource when you mark the resource as provisioned. Please be sure your add-on resource is ready to use when you mark it as such.
See Asynchronous Provisioning of Add-ons for a higher-level overview and info on billing policies.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
callback_url | string | The URL which should be used to retrieve updated information about the add-on and the app which owns it. | |
name | string | Logical name of the resource being provisioned. | acme-inc-primary-database |
oauth_grant | nullable object | OAuth object details | null |
oauth_grant:code | uuid | may be exchanged for an access_token that is scoped to the resource being provisioned for use in the Platform API |
01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef |
oauth_grant:expires_at | date-time | the time at which the grant expires (ensure you have exchanged the code before this time) defaults to 5 minutes from now |
2016-03-03T18:01:31-0800 |
oauth_grant:type | string | the oauth grant type | authorization_code |
options | object | extra command line options passed in to the heroku addons:create command |
{ "foo" : "bar", "baz" : "true" } |
plan | string | the name of the plan to provision | basic |
region | string | Specifies the geographical region of the app that the add-on is being provisioned to— for the common run time, either amazon-web-services::us-east-1 or amazon-web-services::eu-west-1 are possible. The region values for private spaces are:
amazon-web-services::us-east-1 |
uuid | string | The unique identifier Heroku uses for the installed add-on. It corresponds with the id field in the Heroku Platform API. |
01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef |
Optional Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Example |
log_input_url | nullable string | Provided so that logs can be sent to the app’s log stream. This field is only present when configured in your manifest, by adding log_input to the requires field. For more information, see the article describing logplex input. | |
log_drain_token | string | Provided so that logs from the app can be sent to the log_drain_url specified by the partner. This field is only present when configured in your manifest, by adding syslog_drain to the requires field. For more information, see the article describing accessing application logs. |
d.01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef |
Request Example
POST /heroku/resources HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic YWRkb24tc2x1ZzpzdXBlci1zZWNyZXQ=
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/vnd.heroku-addons+json; version=3
"callback_url": "",
"name": "acme-inc-primary-database",
"oauth_grant": {
"code": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"expires_at": "2016-03-03T18:01:31-0800",
"type": "authorization_code"
"options": { "foo" : "bar", "baz" : "true" },
"plan": "basic",
"region": "amazon-web-services::us-east-1",
"uuid": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"log_input_url": "",
"log_drain_token": "d.01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef"
Name | Type | Description | Example |
id | string | MAY be a string (e.g. UUID) or integer value. It MUST be an immutable value that can be used to address your resource. You MAY choose to use the value of the uuid field in the request. |
01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef |
Optional Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Example |
message | string | Further instructions to the user after creating the add-on | Your add-on is being provisioned. It will be available shortly. |
log_drain_url | string | URL capable of receiving logplex drain formatted logs from attached application(s). | |
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"message": "Your add-on is being provisioned. It will be available shortly.",
"log_drain_url": ""
Synchronous Provisioning
You can use synchronous provisioning when your provisioning process completes quickly, for instance under a second. Under synchronous provisioning, you’re not required to mark the add-on resources as provisioned
, however you should still exchange the grant code so you can use the Platform API for Partners in the future.
Under synchronous provisioning, you should:
- Respond with a
200 OK
status code to let Heroku know the provisioning process is complete, - Include the correct
value directly in your initial JSON response, - Exchange OAuth tokens after you have responded above.
You don’t need to:
- Update Heroku with add-on configuration vars, as you return those in the main response,
- Mark the resource as provisioned, as that’s implied in your
200 OK
Request Parameters
The request will be the same as it is under asynchronous provisioning.
Response Parameters
In addition to the id
parameter as documented under asynchronous provisioning, you should include a config
parameter along with any other optional parameters of your choosing.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
config | object | Configuration variables to be set as environment variables on any applications that use this add-on resource. All environment variables that you send should have the same prefix: your add-on’s name, capitalized. However, within the context of a Heroku app, the prefix may be different for a variety of reasons. For example, if your add-on is named fast-db and you are setting FAST_DB_URL , the variable name on the application will default to FAST_DB_URL but would be PRIMARY_DB_URL if the user added the add-on with the prefix PRIMARY_DB . |
{ "MYADDON_URL": "" } |
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"message": "Resource has been created and is available!",
"config": { "MYADDON_URL": "" }
Grant Code Exchange
In order to interact with the Platform API as an add-on partner, you will need to exchange the oauth_grant:code
from the provision request for an access_token
, and refresh_token
, which are used for authenticating requests, and obtaining new access_token
s respectively. Note that the access_token
can only be used to request data about the add-on resource it was created for – you will need to use each add-on resource’s access_token
to get access to its data in the Platform API. All responses will be scoped to the add-on resource that the access_token
was created for.
Once the oauth_grant:code
has been exchanged, save the access_token
and refresh_token
on your side.
Please be sure to encrypt the access_token
and refresh_token
values, as well as your client_secret
, when writing them to persistent storage. These secrets should not be plain text at rest, and their decryption keys should not be easily discoverable. If you are using Sequel in Ruby, consider evaluating the attr_vault gem.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
grant_type | form encoded string | Specifies the type of code being passed. | authorization_code |
code | form encoded string | The oauth_grant:code provided in the provision request. |
01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef |
client_secret | form encoded string | Secret used for most OAuth interactions. Your client_secret can be found in the Add-on Partner Portal on the “OAuth Credentials” page, and should be stored encrypted. |
01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef |
Request Example
POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Name | Type | Description | Example |
access_token | string | Used to access the Platform API scoped to a single add-on resource. Normally expires every 8 hours, but may expire early in certain circumstances, such as a credential rotation | HRKU-2af695e0-93e3-4821-ac2e-95f68435f128 |
refresh_token | string | Valid for the lifetime of the add-on and can be exchanged for a new access_token as many times as needed using a valid OAuth client_secret . |
95a242fe-4c4a-4059-bc06-512de9672619 |
expires_in | integer | The number of seconds the access_token is valid for. The refresh_token is used to acquire a new access_token . |
28800 |
token_type | string | The token type is used in the Authorization header of requests to the Heroku API. |
Bearer |
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"access_token": "HRKU-2af695e0-93e3-4821-ac2e-95f68435f128",
"refresh_token": "95a242fe-4c4a-4059-bc06-512de9672619",
"expires_in": 28800,
"token_type": "Bearer"
Access Token Refresh
The access_token
is valid for up to 8 hours but may expire early in certain circumstances, such as a credential rotation. The refresh_token
is valid for the lifetime of the add-on and can be exchanged for a new access_token
as many times as needed using a valid OAuth client_secret
Name | Type | Description | Example |
grant_type | form encoded string | Specifies the type of code being passed. | refresh_token |
refresh_token | form encoded string | The refresh_token provided in the Grant Code Exchange. |
95a242fe-4c4a-4059-bc06-512de9672619 |
client_secret | form encoded string | Secret used for most OAuth interactions. Your client_secret can be found in the Add-on Partner Portal on the “OAuth Credentials” page, and should be stored encrypted. |
01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef |
Request Example
POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Name | Type | Description | Example |
access_token | string | Used to access the Platform API scoped to a single add-on resource. Normally expires every 8 hours, but may expire early in certain circumstances, such as a credential rotation | HRKU-2af695e0-93e3-4821-ac2e-95f68435f128 |
refresh_token | string | Valid for the lifetime of the add-on and can be exchanged for a new access_token as many times as needed using a valid OAuth client_secret . |
95a242fe-4c4a-4059-bc06-512de9672619 |
expires_in | integer | The number of seconds the access_token is valid for. The refresh_token is used to acquire a new access_token . |
28800 |
token_type | string | The token type is used in the Authorization header of requests to the Heroku API. |
Bearer |
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"access_token": "HRKU-2af695e0-93e3-4821-ac2e-95f68435f128",
"refresh_token": "95a242fe-4c4a-4059-bc06-512de9672619",
"expires_in": 28800,
"token_type": "Bearer"
Add-on Config Update
Use the add-on resource uuid
from the provision request to update the configuration of an add-on. See the Platform API Add-on Config Update for further details.
Add-on configuration is the data an app needs to communicate with and use your add-on. For example, databases have config vars such as DATABASE_URL
. You can set several config vars during its provisioning. No release triggers when you update the config vars during add-on provisioning. After your add-on is available, you must mark it as provisioned
and restart all attached apps so that they can use your add-on.
For some add-ons, the actual environment variable set on an application is different than the key. Use the same prefix for all environment variables that you send: your add-on’s name, capitalized. However, within the context of a Heroku app, the prefix can be different for a variety of reasons.
For example, if your add-on is named fast-db
and you’re setting FAST_DB_URL
, the variable name on the application defaults to FAST_DB_URL
, but can be PRIMARY_DB_URL
if the user added the add-on with the prefix PRIMARY_DB
Optional Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Example |
config | array | [{"name":"FOO","value":"bar"}] |
Request Example
PATCH /addons/01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef/config HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3
Authorization: Bearer HRKU-2af695e0-93e3-4821-ac2e-95f68435f128
"config": [
"name": "MY_ADDON",
"value": "bar"
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept-Ranges: name
Content-Range: id 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef..01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef; max=200
ETag: "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
Last-Modified: Sun, 01 Jan 2012 12:00:00 GMT
RateLimit-Remaining: 2400
"name": "MY_ADDON",
"value": "bar"
Add-on Action Provision
Mark an add-on as provisioned for use.
If this step is not taken within 12 hours of the provisioning request, provisioning will be considered to have failed and the add-on will be removed.
This endpoint is also documented in the Platform API reference. Use the UUID
resource we sent during the provisioning request as the ID.
Request Example
POST /addons/01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef/actions/provision HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3
Authorization: Bearer HRKU-2af695e0-93e3-4821-ac2e-95f68435f128
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
ETag: "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
Last-Modified: Sun, 01 Jan 2012 12:00:00 GMT
RateLimit-Remaining: 2400
"actions": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"label": "Example",
"action": "example",
"url": "",
"requires_owner": true
"addon_service": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "heroku-postgresql"
"app": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "example"
"config_vars": [
"created_at": "2012-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "acme-inc-primary-database",
"plan": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "heroku-postgresql:dev"
"provider_id": "abcd1234",
"state": "provisioned",
"updated_at": "2012-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"web_url": ""
Add-on Plan Change
When a user requests a plan change for an installed add-on, Heroku will send a PUT
request to your API.
If you CAN NOT support plan changes, respond with status code 422
or 503
and return a message to display to the user as described in exceptions. For example, if it is impossible to change between the users current plan and the requested plan, a 422
status code with a explanatory message
is appropriate. However, if the plan change is failing due to internal reasons and the user should try again later, a 503
may be more appropriate.
The uuid in the request URI (:resource_uuid
) MUST be used to identify the add-on to manipulate. This is the same uuid provided by Heroku in the provision request body.
The plan change request PUT /heroku/resources/:resource_uuid
sent from Heroku to the partner is expected to be idempotent. In other words, the same request may be sent to the partner multiple times, and the same response should be returned each time. However, if the resource has been deprovisioned, it should not be updated again and a 410 should be returned. In order to facilitate data expunging by the partner the time frame in which a change request may be retried is limited to 24 hours. After this period either a 404 or 410 may be returned.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
plan | string | The name of the plan to change to. | basic |
Request Example
PUT /heroku/resources/:resource_uuid HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic YWRkb24tc2x1ZzpzdXBlci1zZWNyZXQ=
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/vnd.heroku-addons+json; version=3
"plan": "basic"
Optional Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Example |
message | string | Further instructions to the user after changing the plan | Resource has been updated and is available! |
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"message": "Resource has been updated and is available!"
Add-on Deprovision
When an add-on is removed from a user’s application, Heroku sends a deprovision request to your API.
We support both synchronous and asynchronous add-on deprovisioning. If your deprovisioning process requires access to our platform to provide the best user experience, use asynchronous deprovisioning. This option allows you to make a clean teardown of the resource and notify Heroku upon completion. See Asynchronous Deprovisioning of Add-ons for a detailed overview.
For the deprovisioning process, we send a DELETE
request to the endpoint you registered in your manifest. To identify the add-on to manipulate, you must use the uuid
in the request URL (:resource_uuid
) The uuid
is the one Heroku provided in the provision request body.
Heroku can send the deprovision request multiple times. Subsequent requests respond with a 2xx
or 410
. In order to facilitate data deletion by the partner, the time frame to retry a deprovision request is limited to 24 hours. After this period, subsequent requests return with either a 404
or 410
Asynchronous Deprovisioning (Beta)
Partners must request access to this beta feature by opening a support ticket. After we grant you access to this feature, we include an X-Async-Deprovision-Allowed
HTTP header on deprovisioning requests with a value set to true
or false
. This value indicates whether the Asynchronous Deprovisioning workflow is allowed for that resource or not.
Under Asynchronous Deprovisioning, when an add-on receives a deprovisioning request from Heroku and the feature is enabled, it must do the following:
- Issue a response with a
202 Accepted
status code. This response lets Heroku know you still need access to Platform API for Partners in order to complete the deprovisioning. - Perform any actions required by your deprovisioning process on our platform authenticating with the OAuth access token.
- Mark the add-on resource as
when you don’t require further access to the Heroku platform for that resource. If you don’t mark a resource asdeprovisioned
, we’ll assume it’s done and deprovision it after around 12 hours. - Deprovision any infrastructure or assets that were assigned to the add-on resource.
You don’t remove any add-on config vars, log drains, or webhook subscriptions attached to your add-on, as they’re deleted when you mark the add-on as deprovisioned
A release is created for the app that owns the add-on resource when you mark the resource as deprovisioned
. Be sure to keep any infrastructure or assets linked with the resource accessible before you mark it deprovisioned
See Asynchronous Deprovisioning of Add-ons for a higher-level overview of this workflow.
Request Example
DELETE /heroku/resources/:resource_uuid HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic YWRkb24tc2x1ZzpzdXBlci1zZWNyZXQ=
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/vnd.heroku-addons+json; version=3
X-Async-Deprovision-Allowed: true
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Synchronous Deprovisioning
Heroku applies this workflow to all deprovisionings for add-ons that didn’t request access to the Asynchronous Deprovisioning feature. Also, Heroku uses this workflow when the asynchronous workflow isn’t allowed for a particular resource and the X-Async-Deprovision-Allowed
header is set to false
Under Synchronous Deprovisioning, your add-on integration receives a deprovisioning request after Heroku stops billing and removes the add-on resource and all other objects attached, including the Partner authorization. Your add-on service can’t use the Heroku platform because your access tokens were removed at that point.
You can use Synchronous Deprovisioning when your provisioning process doesn’t require further access to the Heroku platform. Under Synchronous Deprovisioning, you’re not required to mark the add-on resource as deprovisioned
Under Synchronous Deprovisioning, you must:
- Respond with a
204 No Content
status code (preferred) or any other2xx Successful
response code. This response lets Heroku know that your service has acknowledged the request and no further retries are required from us. - Deprovision any infrastructure or assets that were assigned to the requisite resource.
Request Parameters
The request is the same as it is under Asynchronous Deprovisioning. The header X-Async-Deprovision-Allowed
is only included for add-ons that requested access to the Asynchronous Deprovisioning feature.
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Add-on Action Deprovision
Mark an add-on as deprovisioned
If this step isn’t taken within 12 hours of the deprovisioning request, deprovisioning is considered completed and the add-on is removed.
This endpoint is also documented in the Platform API reference. Use the resource UUID
we sent you during the provisioning request as the ID.
Request Example
POST /addons/01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef/actions/deprovision HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3
Authorization: Bearer HRKU-2af695e0-93e3-4821-ac2e-95f68435f128
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
ETag: "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
Last-Modified: Sun, 01 Jan 2012 12:00:00 GMT
RateLimit-Remaining: 2400
"actions": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"label": "Example",
"action": "example",
"url": "",
"requires_owner": true
"addon_service": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "heroku-postgresql"
"app": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "example"
"config_vars": [
"created_at": "2012-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "acme-inc-primary-database",
"plan": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "heroku-postgresql:dev"
"provider_id": "abcd1234",
"state": "deprovisioned",
"updated_at": "2012-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"web_url": ""
Add-on Info
The Platform API for Partners allows you to request info for an add-on owned by your service. You can use the Platform API for Partners to request app, collaborator, region, domain, pipeline and other information as well.
Request Example
GET /addons/01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3
Authorization: Bearer HRKU-2af695e0-93e3-4821-ac2e-95f68435f128
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
Last-Modified: Sun, 01 Jan 2012 12:00:00 GMT
RateLimit-Remaining: 2400
"actions": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"label": "Example",
"action": "example",
"url": "",
"requires_owner": true
"addon_service": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "heroku-postgresql"
"app": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "example"
"config_vars": [
"created_at": "2012-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "acme-inc-primary-database",
"plan": {
"id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "heroku-postgresql:dev"
"provider_id": "abcd1234",
"state": "provisioned",
"updated_at": "2012-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"web_url": ""
Add-on Single Sign-on
Users of your add-on can be seamlessly signed into a personalized dashboard for the resources they create with your service. More details, including navigation bar integration can be found in Add-on Single Sign-on.
Name | Type | Description | Example |
resource_id | form encoded string | The uuid provided by heroku in the provisioning call. | 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef |
resource_token | form encoded string | SHA1 encoded resource_id:salt:timestamp . Used for authenticating the SSO request to your service. |
fcafa20c7ac7675276ea92ed04bc929674b711a5 |
timestamp | form encoded string | Time at which the request SSO request was initiated. | 1267597772 |
nav-data | form encoded string | Includes information like the current app name and installed add-ons so the Heroku layout can build the appropriate view for the current app. | eyJhZGRvbiI6IllvdXIgQWRkb24iLCJhcH... |
form encoded string | Email of the authenticated user. | |
Optional Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Example |
foo | form encoded string | Additional query string params MAY be included in the SSO URL. These params will be forwarded to your application in the POST body. See What is an Add-on for more information on SSO. |
bar |
Request Example
POST /heroku/sso HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Response Example
HTTP/1.1 302 Found