PHP versions 5.5.28, 5.6.12, 7.0.0RC1 available; new composer.lock requirements

Change effective on 21 August 2015

The following new PHP runtime versions are now available on Heroku:

  • PHP 5.5.28
  • PHP 5.6.12
  • PHP 7.0.0RC1 (on cedar-14 only)

The newrelic PHP extension has been updated to version

A composer.lock is now required if a composer.json lists any dependencies in require, even if none of these dependencies are user-land packages. It was previously possible to use a composer.json only if the requirements consisted only of PHP versions and/or extensions, but more recent versions of Composer now generate a composer.lock in that situation, too. As documented, the command composer update --ignore-platform-reqs can be used to work around problems with missing local platform packages.

A warning will now be displayed if a composer.json contains a minimum-stability setting, advising developers to use stability flags instead.