Heroku Data for Redis 7.2 is generally available

Change effective on 16 July 2024

Heroku Data for Redis 7.2 is generally available. All newly created Redis add-ons default to the latest version. Version 7.2 runs on Valkey infrastructure, which is fully compatible with existing Redis add-ons and implementations. You can provision a Redis instance with this version with the --version 7.2 flag.

$ heroku addons:create heroku-redis:standard-0 -a example-app --version 7.2

When you upgrade to version 7.2, you’re also upgrading from Redis infrastructure to Valkey. With the release of Redis 7.2, we’re deprecating Redis 6.2 per our policy. We urge you to upgrade your instance to the latest version as soon as possible with redis:upgrade:

$ heroku redis:upgrade redis-addon-name --version 7.2 --app example-app

On October 31, 2024, we’ll begin upgrading all existing Heroku Data for Redis plans to 7.2 if they’re not already on the latest version. Customers will receive an email notifying them before the upgrade takes place.

See Heroku Data for Redis Version Support for more information.