Postgres 15 now in Beta on Heroku Postgres

Change effective on 15 February 2023

Late last year, PostgreSQL 15 was released. We are excited to announce PostgreSQL 15 is available in beta on Heroku, bringing a number of notable feature and performance improvements to our managed PostgreSQL database service.

The beta provides customers who want to try out the new release an easy way to do so. New databases will continue to default to version 14 until we make version 15 generally available.

The PostgreSQL project’s release notes for version 15 can be found here.

Running PostgreSQL 15 on Heroku Postgres

To provision a new database with PostgreSQL 15, you can pass the --version 15 flag, like so: heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql --version 15 You can also use pg:upgrade and pg:copy to upgrade your database to PostgreSQL 15. You can test on your existing data by forking your database and then following the pg:upgrade process.

PostGIS upgrades

PostGIS 2.x is no longer supported on PostgreSQL 15. Installing the PostGIS extension on PG 15 will install PostGIS 3 by default. Databases that are upgraded via pg:upgrade will also have their PostGIS version automatically upgraded to 3.3.