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Heroku CLI v2.36.1 released with support for app forking
Change effective on 02 April 2013
A new version of the Heroku CLI is available with support for the fork
operation. Forking clones an app, including config vars and Heroku Postgres data, and re-provision add-ons, to a new app.
Update your toolbelt and fork an existing application:
$ heroku update
Updating from 2.35.0... done
$ heroku fork -a sourceapp targetapp
Creating fork targetapp... done
Copying slug... done
Adding pgbackups:plus... done
Adding heroku-postgresql:dev... done
Creating database backup from sourcapp... .. done
Restoring database backup to targetapp... .. done
Copying config vars... done
Fork complete, view it at http://targetapp.herokuapp.com/