Updated PHP application defaults

Change effective on 10 February 2020

The following new defaults now apply to PHP applications:

web dyno defaults

Applications using PHP 7.4 will spawn a higher number of PHP-FPM processes than before on web process type dynos of size performance-l. Please refer to Optimizing PHP Application Concurrency for further details.

PHP CLI memory_limit defaults

The memory_limit PHP INI directive for the php CLI executable now defaults to the full available dyno memory (from the previous PHP default value of 128M).

PHP-FPM timeout defaults

For applications using PHP 7.4, PHP-FPM will now automatically

  • log a backtrace of requests that take longer than three seconds, and
  • terminate requests that have exceeded an execution time of 30 seconds (and therefor likely timed out).

Please refer to the PHP Support article for more details.

Environment variables

The following environment variables are now set automatically:

  • $COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT defaults to dyno memory (during builds and at runtime);
  • $COMPOSER_MIRROR_PATH_REPOS defaults to 1 (during builds and at runtime);
  • $COMPOSER_NO_INTERACTION defaults to 1 (during builds and at runtime);
  • $COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT defaults to 0 (at runtime).