Getting Started on Heroku Fir with Ruby
Complete this tutorial to deploy a sample Ruby app to Heroku Private Spaces on the Fir generation of the platform. To deploy the app to the Common Runtime or Cedar Private Spaces, follow this guide instead.
The tutorial assumes that you have:
- A verified Heroku Account
- An existing Fir Private Space
- A team admin or member role that has the
app creation
permission on the space. - An SSH key added to your Heroku account
- Ruby 3.2.4 installed locally - see the installation guides for Ruby and Rails on macOS, Windows, and Linux
- Bundler installed locally - run
gem install bundler
- Postgres installed locally
Using dynos and databases to complete this tutorial counts towards your usage. We recommend using 1X-Classic dynos and an Essential-0 Postgres database to complete this tutorial. Delete all resources after completing the tutorial.
Set Up
Install the Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI). Use the CLI to manage and scale your app, provision add-ons, view your logs, and run your app locally.
The Heroku CLI requires Git, the popular version control system. If you don’t already have Git installed, complete the following before proceeding:
Download and run the installer for your platform:
Download the appropriate installer for your Windows installation:
You can find more installation options for the Heroku CLI here.
After installation, you can use the heroku
command from your command shell.
To log in to the Heroku CLI, use the heroku login
$ heroku login
heroku: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit:
Opening browser to***
heroku: Waiting for login...
Logging in... done
Logged in as
This command opens your web browser to the Heroku login page. If your browser is already logged in to Heroku, click the Log In
button on the page.
This authentication is required for the heroku
and git
commands to work correctly.
If you have any problems installing or using the Heroku CLI, see the main Heroku CLI article for advice and troubleshooting steps.
If you’re behind a firewall that uses a proxy to connect with external HTTP/HTTPS services, set the HTTP_PROXY
environment variables in your local development environment before running the heroku
Clone the Sample App
If you’re new to Heroku, it’s recommended that you complete this tutorial using the Heroku-provided sample application.
To deploy an existing application, follow this article instead.
Clone the sample application to get a local version of the code. Execute these commands in your local command shell or terminal:
$ git clone
$ cd ruby-getting-started
You now have a functioning Git repository that contains a simple application. It includes a Gemfile
file, which Ruby’s dependency manager, bundler
, uses to install dependencies.
Define a Procfile
Use a Procfile, a text file in the root directory of your application, to explicitly declare what command to execute to start your app.
The Procfile
in the example app looks like this:
web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
This Procfile declares a single process type, web
, and the command needed to run it. The name web
is important here. It declares that this process type is attached to Heroku’s HTTP routing stack and receives web traffic when deployed. The command used here runs Puma, the web server, and passes in a configuration file.
A Procfile can contain additional process types. For example, you can declare a background worker process that processes items off a queue.
Configure an IPv6 Host
The code we’re deploying is already ready for IPv6, but when you’re deploying your own app you must make sure it binds to the IPv6 interface.
Fir uses IPv6 to route web requests. By default, Puma will try to bind to the IPv4 host
. Your app must instead bind to the IPv6 host ::
. To accomplish this, use Puma’s port
DSL in config/puma.rb
# Support IPv6 by binding to host `::` instead of ``
port(ENV.fetch("PORT") { 3000 }, "::")
If you’re using rails server
or bin/rails server
in your Procfile
, you must set the host with the --binding "[::]"
flag. For example:
web: bin/rails server --binding "[::]" --port "${PORT:?Error: PORT env var is not set!}" --environment "$RAILS_ENV"
Create Your App in a Fir Space
Delete your app and database as soon as you’re done to control costs.
You can get a list of all Heroku spaces by running $ heroku spaces
Create an app on Heroku to prepare the platform to receive your source code by replacing <space-name>
with the name of your Fir space in the command below:
$ heroku create --space <space-name>
Creating app in space <space name>...
Creating app in space <space name>... done, stark-earth-24332 |
When you create an app, a Git remote called heroku
also gets created and associated with your local Git repository. Git remotes are versions of your repository that live on other servers. You deploy your app by pushing its code to that special Heroku-hosted remote associated with your app.
Heroku generates a random name for your app, in this case, stark-earth-24332
. You can specify your own app name.
Provision a Database
The sample app requires a database. Provision a Heroku Postgres database, an add-on available through the Elements Marketplace. Add-ons are cloud services that provide out-of-the-box additional services for your application, such as logging, monitoring, databases, and more.
An essential-0
Postgres size costs $5 a month, prorated to the minute. At the end of this tutorial, we prompt you to delete your database to minimize costs. For production apps in Private Spaces, you might want to use a private database plan such as private-0
or higher.
$ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:essential-0 --confirm stark-earth-24332 -- --region us
Creating heroku-postgresql:essential-0 on stark-earth-24332...
Creating heroku-postgresql:essential-0 on stark-earth-24332... ~$0.007/hour (max $5/month)
Database should be available soon
postgresql-trapezoidal-54970 is being created in the background. The app will restart when complete...
Use heroku addons:info postgresql-trapezoidal-54970 to check creation progress
Use heroku addons:docs heroku-postgresql to view documentation
You can wait for the database to provision by running this command:
$ heroku pg:wait
After that command exits, your Heroku app can access the Postgres database. The DATABASE_URL
environment variable stores your credentials, which your app is configured to connect to. You can see all the add-ons provisioned with the addons
$ heroku addons
Add-on Plan Price Max price State
──────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────── ──────────── ───────── ───────
heroku-postgresql (postgresql-trapezoidal-54970) essential-0 ~$0.007/hour $5/month created
The table above shows add-ons and the attachments to the current app (stark-earth-24332) or other apps.
Deploy the App
Using a dyno to complete this tutorial counts towards your usage. Delete your app and database as soon as you’re done to control costs.
Deploy your code. This command pushes the main
branch of the sample repo to your heroku
remote, which then deploys to Heroku:
$ git push heroku main
remote: Updated 105 paths from 0bdcfdd
remote: Compressing source files... done.
remote: Building source:
remote: Extracting source
remote: Image with name "stark-earth-24332/builds" not found
remote: 3 of 6 buildpacks participating
remote: heroku/nodejs-engine 3.4.3
remote: heroku/ruby 5.0.1
remote: heroku/procfile 3.2.0
remote: [Heroku Node.js Engine Buildpack]
remote: [Checking Node.js version]
remote: Node.js version not specified, using 22.x
remote: Resolved Node.js version: 22.13.0
remote: [Installing Node.js distribution]
remote: Downloading Node.js 22.13.0 (linux-arm64) from
remote: Verifying checksum
remote: Extracting Node.js 22.13.0 (linux-arm64)
remote: Installing Node.js 22.13.0 (linux-arm64)
remote: Installing application metrics scripts
remote: ## Heroku Ruby Buildpack
remote: - Metrics agent
remote: - Skipping install (`barnes` gem not found)
remote: - Ruby version `3.2.4` from `Gemfile.lock`
remote: - Installing .... (1.2s)
remote: - Bundler version `2.5.9` from `Gemfile.lock`
remote: - Running `gem install bundler --version 2.5.9` ... (0.6s)
remote: - Bundle install gems
remote: - Running `BUNDLE_BIN="/layers/heroku_ruby/gems/bin" BUNDLE_CLEAN="1" BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT="1" BUNDLE_GEMFILE="/workspace/Gemfile" BUNDLE_PATH="/layers/heroku_ruby/gems" BUNDLE_WITHOUT="development:test" bundle install`
remote: Fetching gem metadata from
remote: Fetching rake 13.2.1
remote: Installing rake 13.2.1
remote: Fetching concurrent-ruby 1.2.3
remote: Fetching bigdecimal 3.1.8
remote: Fetching connection_pool 2.4.1
remote: Fetching base64 0.2.0
remote: Installing connection_pool 2.4.1
remote: Installing base64 0.2.0
remote: Fetching drb 2.2.1
remote: Installing bigdecimal 3.1.8 with native extensions
remote: Installing concurrent-ruby 1.2.3
remote: Fetching minitest 5.23.0
remote: Installing minitest 5.23.0
remote: Installing drb 2.2.1
remote: Fetching mutex_m 0.2.0
remote: Installing mutex_m 0.2.0
remote: Fetching builder 3.2.4
remote: Installing builder 3.2.4
remote: Fetching erubi 1.12.0
remote: Fetching mini_portile2 2.8.6
remote: Fetching racc 1.7.3
remote: Installing mini_portile2 2.8.6
remote: Installing racc 1.7.3 with native extensions
remote: Fetching crass 1.0.6
remote: Installing erubi 1.12.0
remote: Fetching rack 3.0.11
remote: Installing crass 1.0.6
remote: Installing rack 3.0.11
remote: Fetching nio4r 2.7.3
remote: Installing nio4r 2.7.3 with native extensions
remote: Fetching websocket-extensions 0.1.5
remote: Installing websocket-extensions 0.1.5
remote: Fetching zeitwerk 2.6.14
remote: Installing zeitwerk 2.6.14
remote: Fetching timeout 0.4.1
remote: Installing timeout 0.4.1
remote: Fetching marcel 1.0.4
remote: Installing marcel 1.0.4
remote: Fetching mini_mime 1.1.5
remote: Installing mini_mime 1.1.5
remote: Fetching date 3.3.4
remote: Installing date 3.3.4 with native extensions
remote: Fetching msgpack 1.7.2
remote: Installing msgpack 1.7.2 with native extensions
remote: Fetching coffee-script-source 1.12.2
remote: Installing coffee-script-source 1.12.2
remote: Fetching execjs 2.8.1
remote: Installing execjs 2.8.1
remote: Fetching stringio 3.1.0
remote: Installing stringio 3.1.0 with native extensions
remote: Fetching io-console 0.7.2
remote: Installing io-console 0.7.2 with native extensions
remote: Fetching webrick 1.8.1
remote: Installing webrick 1.8.1
remote: Fetching thor 1.3.1
remote: Installing thor 1.3.1
remote: Fetching ffi 1.16.3
remote: Installing ffi 1.16.3 with native extensions
remote: Fetching rb-fsevent 0.11.2
remote: Installing rb-fsevent 0.11.2
remote: Fetching pg 1.5.6
remote: Installing pg 1.5.6 with native extensions
remote: Fetching tilt 2.1.0
remote: Installing tilt 2.1.0
remote: Fetching turbolinks-source 5.2.0
remote: Installing turbolinks-source 5.2.0
remote: Fetching i18n 1.14.5
remote: Installing i18n 1.14.5
remote: Fetching tzinfo 2.0.6
remote: Installing tzinfo 2.0.6
remote: Fetching rack-session 2.0.0
remote: Installing rack-session 2.0.0
remote: Fetching rack-test 2.1.0
remote: Installing rack-test 2.1.0
remote: Fetching sprockets 4.2.0
remote: Installing sprockets 4.2.0
remote: Fetching websocket-driver 0.7.6
remote: Installing websocket-driver 0.7.6 with native extensions
remote: Fetching net-protocol 0.2.2
remote: Installing net-protocol 0.2.2
remote: Fetching nokogiri 1.16.5
remote: Installing nokogiri 1.16.5 with native extensions
remote: Fetching puma 6.4.2
remote: Installing puma 6.4.2 with native extensions
remote: Fetching coffee-script 2.4.1
remote: Installing coffee-script 2.4.1
remote: Fetching uglifier 4.2.0
remote: Installing uglifier 4.2.0
remote: Fetching psych 5.1.2
remote: Installing psych 5.1.2 with native extensions
remote: Fetching bootsnap 1.18.3
remote: Installing bootsnap 1.18.3 with native extensions
remote: Fetching rackup 2.1.0
remote: Installing rackup 2.1.0
remote: Fetching reline 0.5.7
remote: Installing reline 0.5.7
remote: Fetching turbolinks 5.2.1
remote: Installing turbolinks 5.2.1
remote: Fetching activesupport
remote: Installing activesupport
remote: Fetching net-pop 0.1.2
remote: Installing net-pop 0.1.2
remote: Fetching net-smtp 0.5.0
remote: Installing net-smtp 0.5.0
remote: Fetching net-imap 0.4.11
remote: Installing net-imap 0.4.11
remote: Fetching rb-inotify 0.10.1
remote: Installing rb-inotify 0.10.1
remote: Fetching sassc 2.4.0
remote: Installing sassc 2.4.0 with native extensions
remote: Fetching globalid 1.2.1
remote: Installing globalid 1.2.1
remote: Fetching activemodel
remote: Installing activemodel
remote: Fetching mail 2.8.1
remote: Installing mail 2.8.1
remote: Fetching listen 3.9.0
remote: Installing listen 3.9.0
remote: Fetching rdoc
remote: Installing rdoc
remote: Fetching activejob
remote: Installing activejob
remote: Fetching activerecord
remote: Installing activerecord
remote: Fetching irb 1.13.1
remote: Installing irb 1.13.1
remote: Fetching sdoc 2.6.1
remote: Installing sdoc 2.6.1
remote: Fetching rails-dom-testing 2.2.0
remote: Fetching loofah 2.22.0
remote: Installing rails-dom-testing 2.2.0
remote: Installing loofah 2.22.0
remote: Fetching rails-html-sanitizer 1.6.0
remote: Installing rails-html-sanitizer 1.6.0
remote: Fetching actionview
remote: Installing actionview
remote: Fetching actionpack
remote: Fetching jbuilder 2.12.0
remote: Installing jbuilder 2.12.0
remote: Installing actionpack
remote: Fetching actioncable
remote: Fetching railties
remote: Fetching activestorage
remote: Fetching actionmailer
remote: Installing actioncable
remote: Installing railties
remote: Installing activestorage
remote: Installing actionmailer
remote: Fetching sprockets-rails 3.4.2
remote: Installing sprockets-rails 3.4.2
remote: Fetching actionmailbox
remote: Fetching actiontext
remote: Installing actionmailbox
remote: Fetching coffee-rails 5.0.0
remote: Fetching jquery-rails 4.6.0
remote: Fetching sassc-rails 2.1.2
remote: Installing coffee-rails 5.0.0
remote: Installing actiontext
remote: Fetching rails
remote: Installing sassc-rails 2.1.2
remote: Installing rails
remote: Installing jquery-rails 4.6.0
remote: Fetching sass-rails 6.0.0
remote: Installing sass-rails 6.0.0
remote: Bundle complete! 13 Gemfile dependencies, 83 gems now installed.
remote: Gems in the groups 'development' and 'test' were not installed.
remote: Bundled gems are installed into `/layers/heroku_ruby/gems`
remote: - Done (2m 6s)
remote: - Default process detection
remote: - Running `bundle list` ... (0.3s)
remote: - Detected rails app (`rails` gem found)
remote: - Rake assets install
remote: - Detected rake (`rake` gem found, `Rakefile` found at `/workspace/Rakefile`)
remote: - Running `rake -P --trace` .... (1.9s)
remote: - Compiling assets with cache (detected `rake assets:precompile` and `rake assets:clean` via `rake -P`)
remote: - Creating cache for /workspace/public/assets
remote: - Creating cache for /workspace/tmp/cache/assets
remote: - Running `rake assets:precompile assets:clean --trace`
remote: ** Invoke assets:precompile (first_time)
remote: ** Invoke assets:environment (first_time)
remote: ** Execute assets:environment
remote: ** Invoke environment (first_time)
remote: ** Execute environment
remote: ** Execute assets:precompile
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.415181 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/manifest-dad05bf766af0fe3d79dd746db3c1361c0583026cdf35d6a2921bccaea835331.js
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.415679 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/manifest-dad05bf766af0fe3d79dd746db3c1361c0583026cdf35d6a2921bccaea835331.js.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.415945 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/lang-logo-b6c7c4b6a37e9c2425ca4d54561010c0719870ae325c849de398499f1ab098a9.png
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.416834 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/application-9ced36c9568ebfd1053e04ba411af767274dfcccd9807c0989f8bd17ca5e8f5b.js
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.416965 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/application-9ced36c9568ebfd1053e04ba411af767274dfcccd9807c0989f8bd17ca5e8f5b.js.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.417077 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/welcome-27cfb9694c5e92d25d972c2b4a2d2e222ad088aef866823f772241c1db423402.js
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.417179 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/welcome-27cfb9694c5e92d25d972c2b4a2d2e222ad088aef866823f772241c1db423402.js.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.417290 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/widgets-27cfb9694c5e92d25d972c2b4a2d2e222ad088aef866823f772241c1db423402.js
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.417361 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/widgets-27cfb9694c5e92d25d972c2b4a2d2e222ad088aef866823f772241c1db423402.js.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.417442 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/application-776d900b9840362472b5b6b4afb9b798c78d53098a77b289b8bfc22c6d241913.css
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.417495 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/application-776d900b9840362472b5b6b4afb9b798c78d53098a77b289b8bfc22c6d241913.css.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.417567 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/scaffolds-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.417617 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/scaffolds-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.417688 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/theme-776d900b9840362472b5b6b4afb9b798c78d53098a77b289b8bfc22c6d241913.css
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.417781 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/theme-776d900b9840362472b5b6b4afb9b798c78d53098a77b289b8bfc22c6d241913.css.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.417890 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/welcome-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.417951 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/welcome-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418024 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/widgets-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418073 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/widgets-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418144 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actiontext-78de0ebeae470799f9ec25fd0e20ae2d931df88c2ff9315918d1054a2fca2596.js
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418192 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actiontext-78de0ebeae470799f9ec25fd0e20ae2d931df88c2ff9315918d1054a2fca2596.js.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418263 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actiontext.esm-328ef022563f73c1b9b45ace742bd21330da0f6bd6c1c96d352d52fc8b8857e5.js
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418311 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actiontext.esm-328ef022563f73c1b9b45ace742bd21330da0f6bd6c1c96d352d52fc8b8857e5.js.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418381 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/trix-e17a480fcb4e30c8571f0fed42dc81de5faeef93755ca30fe9623eb3f5c709e5.js
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418430 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/trix-e17a480fcb4e30c8571f0fed42dc81de5faeef93755ca30fe9623eb3f5c709e5.js.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418498 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/trix-5552afe828fe79c41e53b9cc3616e9d7b8c2de1979ea62cbd663b88426ec41de.css
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418625 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/trix-5552afe828fe79c41e53b9cc3616e9d7b8c2de1979ea62cbd663b88426ec41de.css.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418701 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/activestorage-503a4fe23aabfbcb752dad255f01835904e6961d5f20d1de13987a691c27d9cd.js
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418751 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/activestorage-503a4fe23aabfbcb752dad255f01835904e6961d5f20d1de13987a691c27d9cd.js.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418820 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/activestorage.esm-b3f7f0a5ef90530b509c5e681c4b3ef5d5046851e5b70d57fdb45e32b039c883.js
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418869 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/activestorage.esm-b3f7f0a5ef90530b509c5e681c4b3ef5d5046851e5b70d57fdb45e32b039c883.js.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418940 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actioncable-1c7f008c6deb7b55c6878be38700ff6bf56b75444a086fa1f46e3b781365a3ea.js
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.418986 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actioncable-1c7f008c6deb7b55c6878be38700ff6bf56b75444a086fa1f46e3b781365a3ea.js.gz
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.419055 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actioncable.esm-06609b0ecaffe2ab952021b9c8df8b6c68f65fc23bee728fc678a2605e1ce132.js
remote: I, [2025-01-14T19:32:55.419104 #9076] INFO -- : Writing /workspace/public/assets/actioncable.esm-06609b0ecaffe2ab952021b9c8df8b6c68f65fc23bee728fc678a2605e1ce132.js.gz
remote: ** Invoke assets:clean (first_time)
remote: ** Invoke assets:environment
remote: ** Execute assets:clean
remote: - Done (1.7s)
remote: - Storing cache for /workspace/public/assets
remote: - Storing cache for /workspace/tmp/cache/assets
remote: - Done (finished in 2m 12s)
remote: ## Procfile Buildpack
remote: - Processes from `Procfile`
remote: - web: `bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb`
remote: - Done (finished in < 0.1s)
remote: Adding layer 'heroku/nodejs-engine:dist'
remote: Adding layer 'heroku/nodejs-engine:node_runtime_metrics'
remote: Adding layer 'heroku/nodejs-engine:web_env'
remote: Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:binruby'
remote: Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:bundler'
remote: Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:cache_public_assets'
remote: Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:cache_tmp_cache_assets'
remote: Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:env_defaults'
remote: Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:gems'
remote: Adding layer 'heroku/ruby:user_binstubs'
remote: Adding layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:launch.sbom'
remote: Added 1/1 app layer(s)
remote: Adding layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:launcher'
remote: Adding layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:config'
remote: Adding layer 'buildpacksio/lifecycle:process-types'
remote: Adding label 'io.buildpacks.lifecycle.metadata'
remote: Adding label ''
remote: Adding label 'io.buildpacks.project.metadata'
remote: Setting default process type 'web'
remote: Saving stark-earth-24332/builds...
remote: *** Images (sha256:26a459547b189c1b91614281a964f4c96fa427c4e10ff4d1bb1ad1a2780bb495):
remote: stark-earth-24332/builds:7def7455-dce6-4f38-a1f4-62b9f3a76756
remote: Adding cache layer 'heroku/nodejs-engine:dist'
remote: Adding cache layer 'heroku/ruby:binruby'
remote: Adding cache layer 'heroku/ruby:bundler'
remote: Adding cache layer 'heroku/ruby:cache_public_assets'
remote: Adding cache layer 'heroku/ruby:cache_tmp_cache_assets'
remote: Adding cache layer 'heroku/ruby:gems'
remote: Uploading cache
remote: Launching...
remote: deployed to Heroku
remote: Verifying deploy... done.
* [new branch] main -> main
The app is now deployed. The default dyno size for Fir Private Spaces is 1X-Classic.
Visit the app at the URL shown in the logs. As a shortcut, you can also open the website as follows:
$ heroku open
View Logs
Fir apps do not retain log history like Cedar apps. To view an event in your Fir logs, you must run the logging command while that event occurs.
Heroku treats logs as streams of time-ordered events, aggregated from the output streams of all your app and Heroku components. Heroku provides a single stream for all events. View information about your running app by using one of the logging commands:
$ heroku logs
2025-01-14T19:36:31.781610+00:00 app[web-78b44b7885-j8dzl]: I, [2025-01-14T19:36:31.781435 #13] INFO -- : [fd18cb79-4abb-e37c-09dc-a0db31a9fbc2] Started GET "/" for at 2025-01-14 19:36:31 +0000
2025-01-14T19:36:31.782280+00:00 app[web-78b44b7885-j8dzl]: I, [2025-01-14T19:36:31.782184 #13] INFO -- : [fd18cb79-4abb-e37c-09dc-a0db31a9fbc2] Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML
2025-01-14T19:36:31.783855+00:00 app[web-78b44b7885-j8dzl]: I, [2025-01-14T19:36:31.783754 #13] INFO -- : [fd18cb79-4abb-e37c-09dc-a0db31a9fbc2] Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 0.8ms | Allocations: 327)
2025-01-14T19:36:31.784140+00:00 app[web-78b44b7885-j8dzl]: I, [2025-01-14T19:36:31.784046 #13] INFO -- : [fd18cb79-4abb-e37c-09dc-a0db31a9fbc2] Completed 200 OK in 2ms (Views: 1.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 582)
2025-01-14T19:36:31.785880+00:00 heroku-router[web]: at=info method=GET path="/" request_id=fd18cb79-4abb-e37c-09dc-a0db31a9fbc2 fwd="" dyno=web-78b44b7885-j8dzl connect=1ms service=5ms status=200 bytes=9175 protocol=http tls_version=tls1.3
2025-01-14T19:36:32.629422+00:00 heroku-router[web]: at=info method=GET path="/assets/application-9ced36c9568ebfd1053e04ba411af767274dfcccd9807c0989f8bd17ca5e8f5b.js" request_id=7c0b4d1d-e3b4-aac5-65ab-f7452aae25cb fwd="" dyno=web-78b44b7885-j8dzl connect=0ms service=246ms status=200 bytes=101596 protocol=http tls_version=tls1.3
2025-01-14T19:36:33.064672+00:00 heroku-router[web]: at=info method=GET path="/assets/lang-logo-b6c7c4b6a37e9c2425ca4d54561010c0719870ae325c849de398499f1ab098a9.png" request_id=3905a9bf-0f8c-b501-a08d-41f31bc8c6ae fwd="" dyno=web-78b44b7885-j8dzl connect=0ms service=1ms status=200 bytes=4103 protocol=http tls_version=tls1.3
2025-01-14T19:36:33.213539+00:00 heroku-router[web]: at=info method=GET path="/assets/application-776d900b9840362472b5b6b4afb9b798c78d53098a77b289b8bfc22c6d241913.css" request_id=e6836a08-d7f4-bb6b-7d6e-0ff296b1aa75 fwd="" dyno=web-78b44b7885-j8dzl connect=0ms service=1ms status=200 bytes=274 protocol=http tls_version=tls1.3
To generate more log messages, refresh the app in your browser.
To stop streaming the logs, press Ctrl
Declare App Dependencies
Heroku recognizes an app as a Ruby app by the existence of a Gemfile
file in the root directory.
The demo app you deployed already has a Gemfile
source ''
ruby '>= 3.1', '< 3.4'
# Bundle edge Rails instead: gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'
gem 'rails', '~> 7.1.3'
# Use postgresql as the database for Active Record
gem 'pg', '~> 1.5.6'
# Use SCSS for stylesheets
gem 'sass-rails'
# Use Uglifier as compressor for JavaScript assets
gem 'uglifier'
The Gemfile
file specifies the dependencies to install with your application. It also determines the version of Ruby used to run your application on Heroku.
When an app deploys, Heroku reads this file and installs the appropriate Ruby version and dependencies using the bundle install
To run the app locally, you must also install dependencies locally. This Gemfile dependency pg
only resolves if you have Postgres installed locally. Install Postgres before you proceed.
If the command which psql
returns some value on your command line, you have Postgres installed locally:
$ which psql
Run bundle install
in your local directory to install the dependencies, preparing your system for running the app locally:
$ bundle install
Bundle complete! 13 Gemfile dependencies, 84 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
After installing dependencies, you can run your app locally.
Run the App Locally
The sample app uses a database, so you must create the database and table locally using the rake
$ bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
Created database 'ruby-getting-started_development'
Created database 'ruby-getting-started_test'
== 20140707111715 CreateWidgets: migrating ====================================
-- create_table(:widgets)
-> 0.0025s
== 20140707111715 CreateWidgets: migrated (0.0026s) ===========================
== 20220606153049 AddServiceNameToActiveStorageBlobs: migrating ===============
-- table_exists?(:active_storage_blobs)
-> 0.0006s
== 20220606153049 AddServiceNameToActiveStorageBlobs: migrated (0.0006s) ======
== 20220606153050 CreateActiveStorageVariantRecords: migrating ================
-- table_exists?(:active_storage_blobs)
-> 0.0005s
== 20220606153050 CreateActiveStorageVariantRecords: migrated (0.0005s) =======
== 20220606153051 RemoveNotNullOnActiveStorageBlobsChecksum: migrating ========
-- table_exists?(:active_storage_blobs)
-> 0.0007s
== 20220606153051 RemoveNotNullOnActiveStorageBlobsChecksum: migrated (0.0007s)
Now start your application locally using the heroku local
$ heroku local web --port=5006
[OKAY] Loaded ENV .env File as KEY=VALUE Format
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] Puma starting in cluster mode...
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] * Puma version: 6.4.2 (ruby 3.2.4-p170) ("The Eagle of Durango")
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] * Min threads: 5
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] * Max threads: 5
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] * Environment: development
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] * Master PID: 49434
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] * Workers: 2
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] * Restarts: (✔) hot (✖) phased
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] * Preloading application
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] * Listening on http://[::]:5006
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] Use Ctrl-C to stop
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] - Worker 0 (PID: 49960) booted in 0.0s, phase: 0
1:36:50 PM web.1 | [49434] - Worker 1 (PID: 49964) booted in 0.0s, phase: 0
Just like Heroku, heroku local
uses the Procfile
to know what command to execute.
To see your app running locally,open http://localhost:5006 with your web browser.
To stop the app from running locally, in the CLI, press Control + C
to exit.
Push Local Changes
In this step, you propagate a local change to the application to Heroku.
Modify Gemfile
to include an additional dependency for the cowsay
In file Gemfile
, on line 4 add:
gem "cowsay"
The file now looks like this:
source ''
ruby '>= 3.1', '< 3.4'
gem "cowsay"
# Bundle edge Rails instead: gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'
Modify app/views/welcome/index.erb
to use the cowsay gem.
At the end of app/views/welcome/index.erb
<pre><%= Cowsay.say("Hello", "tux") %></pre>
Now test locally:
$ bundle install
$ heroku local --port=5006
Visit your application at http://localhost:5006. If your changes worked, you see a cute ASCII picture displayed.
Now deploy this local change to Heroku.
Almost every deploy to Heroku follows this same pattern. First, add the modified files to the local Git repository:
$ git add .
Now commit the changes to the repository:
$ git commit -m "Added cowsay gem"
[main 3313aaf] Added cowsay gem
5 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
create mode 100644 install.txt
Now deploy as before:
$ git push heroku main
Finally, check that everything is working:
$ heroku open
The Heroku Ruby Cloud Native Buildpack (CNB) turns your code into an Open Container Initiative (OCI) container image when you deploy to Fir. This image gets executed on our dynos.
You can use this image locally to reproduce and debug deployment problems. Build an OCI image from your application to debug locally by using the Heroku Ruby CNB. If you’re interested, check out the Ruby CNB tutorial.
Start a Console
The heroku run
command to launch an interactive one-off dyno is unavailable for Fir. As an alternative, use heroku run:inside
to access a running dyno until we add heroku run
for Fir.
You must add an SSH key to your Heroku account before running this command.
To execute the command you need the name of a currently running process. You can see a list with heroku ps
$ heroku ps
=== web (1X-Classic): bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb (1)
web-78b44b7885-j8dzl: up 2025/01/14 13:35:04 -0600 (~ 1m ago)
Use that dyno name to run an interactive bash
$ heroku run:inside web-78b44b7885-j8dzl "bash"
Running launcher bash on stark-earth-24332...
Running launcher bash on stark-earth-24332... up, web-78b44b7885-j8dzl
heroku@web-78b44b7885-j8dzl:/workspace$ ruby -v
ruby 3.2.4 (2024-04-23 revision af471c0e01) [aarch64-linux]
heroku@web-78b44b7885-j8dzl:/workspace$ rails -v
heroku@web-78b44b7885-j8dzl:/workspace$ ls -lah
total 60K
drwxrwsrwx. 1 heroku heroku 17 Jan 1 1980 .
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 34 Jan 14 19:34 ..
-rw-r--r--. 1 heroku heroku 9 Jan 1 1980 .env
drwxr-xr-x. 2 heroku heroku 46 Jan 1 1980 .github
-rw-r--r--. 1 heroku heroku 504 Jan 1 1980 .gitignore
-rw-r--r--. 1 heroku heroku 1.3K Jan 1 1980 Gemfile
-rw-r--r--. 1 heroku heroku 5.8K Jan 1 1980 Gemfile.lock
-rw-r--r--. 1 heroku heroku 40 Jan 1 1980 Procfile
-rw-r--r--. 1 heroku heroku 3.0K Jan 1 1980
-rw-r--r--. 1 heroku heroku 249 Jan 1 1980 Rakefile
drwxr-xr-x. 8 heroku heroku 96 Jan 1 1980 app
-rw-r--r--. 1 heroku heroku 281 Jan 1 1980 app.json
drwxr-xr-x. 2 heroku heroku 98 Jan 1 1980 bin
drwxr-xr-x. 5 heroku heroku 16K Jan 1 1980 config
-rw-r--r--. 1 heroku heroku 154 Jan 1 1980
drwxr-xr-x. 3 heroku heroku 54 Jan 1 1980 db
drwxr-xr-x. 4 heroku heroku 33 Jan 1 1980 lib
drwxr-xr-x. 2 heroku heroku 19 Jan 1 1980 log
-rw-r--r--. 1 heroku heroku 43 Jan 1 1980 package.json
drwxr-xr-x. 3 heroku heroku 105 Jan 1 1980 public
drwxr-xr-x. 8 heroku heroku 126 Jan 1 1980 test
drwxr-sr-x. 1 heroku heroku 38 Jan 14 19:34 tmp
drwxr-xr-x. 3 heroku heroku 20 Jan 1 1980 vendor
heroku@web-78b44b7885-j8dzl:/workspace$ exit
If you receive an error, Error connecting to process
, configure your firewall.
Type exit
to exit the shell. You can run any command this way such as rails console
or rake db:migrate
Define Config Vars
Heroku lets you externalize configuration by storing data such as encryption keys or external resource addresses in config vars.
At runtime, we expose config vars as environment variables to the application.
For example, modify app/views/welcome/index.erb
so that the method repeats an action depending on the value of the TIMES
environment variable. Change the file so that its first few lines read as follows:
<% for i in 0..(ENV['TIMES'] ? ENV['TIMES'].to_i : 2) do %>
<p>Hello World #<%= i %>!</p>
<% end %>
The heroku local
command automatically sets up the environment based on the contents of the .env
file in your local directory. In the top level directory of your sample project, there’s already a .env
file that contains:
If you run the app with heroku local --port=5006
, you see “Hello World” ten times when you refresh your browser.
To set the config var on Heroku, execute the following:
$ heroku config:set TIMES=10
Setting TIMES and restarting stark-earth-24332...
Setting TIMES and restarting stark-earth-24332... done, v5
View the app’s config vars using heroku config
$ heroku config
To see this change in action, deploy your changed application to Heroku.
Use a Database
Listing the config vars for your app displays the URL that your app uses to connect to the database, DATABASE_URL
$ heroku config
DATABASE_URL: postgres://xx:yyy@host:5432/d8slm9t7b5mjnd
HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_BROWN_URL: postgres://xx:yyy@host:5432/d8slm9t7b5mjnd
Heroku also provides a pg
command that shows a lot more information:
$ heroku pg
Plan: essential-0
Status: Available
Connections: unknown/20
PG Version: 16.4
Created: 2025-01-14 19:28
Data Size: unknown usage / 1 GB (In compliance)
Tables: 0/4000 (In compliance)
Fork/Follow: Unsupported
Rollback: Unsupported
Continuous Protection: Off
Add-on: postgresql-trapezoidal-54970
The example app you deployed already has database functionality. It has a controller and database model for widgets, used by your app’s /widgets
page. You can visit the page by appending /widgets
to your app’s URL.
If you visit the URL, you see an error page appear. Check out the error message using heroku logs
or in Papertrail to see something like this:
PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "widgets" does not exist
This error indicates that while we could connect to the database, the widgets
table wasn’t found. You can fix that error by running rake db:migrate
via run:inside
. To execute this command on Heroku, run it inside an existing dyno like so:
$ heroku run:inside web-78b44b7885-j8dzl "rake db:migrate"
Running launcher rake db:migrate on stark-earth-24332...
Running launcher rake db:migrate on stark-earth-24332... up, web-78b44b7885-j8dzl
I, [2025-01-14T19:37:13.743399 #59] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateWidgets (20140707111715)
== 20140707111715 CreateWidgets: migrating ====================================
-- create_table(:widgets)
-> 0.0210s
== 20140707111715 CreateWidgets: migrated (0.0215s) ===========================
I, [2025-01-14T19:37:13.773890 #59] INFO -- : Migrating to AddServiceNameToActiveStorageBlobs (20220606153049)
== 20220606153049 AddServiceNameToActiveStorageBlobs: migrating ===============
-- table_exists?(:active_storage_blobs)
-> 0.0021s
Now if you visit the /widgets
page of your app again, you can list and create widget records.
If you have Postgres installed locally, you can also interact directly with the database. For example, here’s how to connect to the database using psql
and execute a query:
$ heroku pg:psql
d8slm9t7b5mjnd=> \x
d8slm9t7b5mjnd=> select * from widgets;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------------------------
id | 1
name | My Widget
description | It's amazing
stock | 100
Read more about Heroku PostgreSQL.
Delete Your App
Remove the app from your account. We only charge you for the resources you used.
This action permanently deletes your application and any add-ons attached to it.
$ heroku apps:destroy
You can confirm that your app is gone with this command:
$ heroku apps --all
Next Steps
You now know how to configure and deploy a Ruby app, view logs, and start a console.
To learn more, see: