Getting Started with Heroku Events (Pilot)
Heroku Events is currently in pilot. The products offered as part of the pilot aren’t intended for production use and are considered as a Beta Service and are subject to the Beta Services terms at
Heroku Events integrates your apps with Heroku’s real-time eventing platform. This guide helps you set up the Heroku Events add-on via the Heroku CLI and the Heroku Events CLI plugin. To get an idea of what you can use Heroku Events for, read about the use cases.
In this guide, we authorize a Salesforce org, subscribe to platform events and change data capture events, and publish to platform events, Data Cloud, and a webhook.
This guide assumes that you have:
- A verified Heroku Account
- Joined the Heroku Events pilot
- An Eco dynos plan subscription (recommended)
- All the dependencies based on your language of choice
- A Salesforce sandbox org or scratch org
- (Optional) Data Cloud enabled in your sandbox org
- (Optional) Install the Salesforce CLI to work with your Salesforce org
Install the Heroku Events Plugin
Using dynos during this pilot counts towards your usage. To complete this tutorial, we recommend using our low-cost plans. Eligible students can apply for platform credits through our Heroku for GitHub Students program.
You must have the Heroku CLI installed before adding the Heroku Events CLI plugin. See Heroku CLI for instructions.
To install the plugin, run the CLI command:
$ heroku plugins:install @heroku-cli/plugin-events
Provision the Heroku Events Add-on
First, create an app on Heroku:
$ heroku create herokuevents-app
Creating ⬢ herokuevents-app... done |
Then provision the Heroku Events add-on:
$ heroku addons:create herokuevents -a herokuevents-app
Creating herokuevents on ⬢ herokuevents-app... free
Your Heroku Events add-on is being provisioned and will be available shortly. Add-on id: fec92a0d-4065-4780-b0cb-da61fb842e0b.
herokuevents-asymmetrical-03314 is being created in the background. The app will restart when complete...
Use heroku addons:info herokuevents-asymmetrical-03314 to check creation progress
Use heroku addons:docs herokuevents to view documentation
Add Sample Ruby Heroku App
If your Heroku app is a worker app, you can pull from events every five seconds. It requires adding the excon
client to our sample Ruby app.
loop do
resp = client.get(path: '/accounts')
raise :wait unless resp.status == 200
puts resp.body
puts "Waiting..."
sleep 5
To listen to the events, you can use a webhook receiver. In this example, the webhook receiver is the post '/contacts'
%w{date excon json sinatra}.each {|l| require l}
get '/' do
'<a href="/click">Click Me!</a>'
post '/contacts' do
get '/click' do"#{ENV['HEROKUEVENTS_PUBLISH_URL']}/clicks", body: {
id: rand(10000),
eventtype: 'add to cart',
firstname: 'Web',
lastname: 'Site',
Authorize a Salesforce Org
See Authorizations for more information about creating authorizations.
Authorize your Salesforce org that you want to subscribe and publish events to. To authorize to a sandbox org, run the command:
During the pilot, you can only connect to sandbox and scratch orgs.
$ heroku events:authorizations:salesforce:create example-org --sandbox -a herokuevents-app
Opening browser to
Press any key to open up the browser to authorize ⬢ herokuevents-app or q to exit:
Continue in your browser...
When you authorize your org for the first time, a browser window appears for you to log in with your Salesforce credentials.
To view your authorizations, run the command:
$ heroku events:authorizations -a example-app
=== Heroku Events authorizations for app ⬢ example-app
Platform Alias
────────── ───────────
Salesforce example-org
Subscribe to Platform Events in Salesforce
See Event Subscriptions for more information about subscribing to events.
This example creates a subscription that subscribes to a platform event, which has a channel name /event/Low_Ink__e
. You can replace the channel name with the event you want to subscribe to in your org.
Channel names are case-sensitive.
Subscribe to the event with
. Here we subscribe to theLow_Ink__e
platform event and name the subscriptionLowInkEvents
on theexample-org
we authenticated. We’re also filtering for specific events withPrinter
in the name.During pilot, filters are supported only at the stream level. If you add a filter, the source or subscription information is mandatory, and Heroku automatically creates a stream for you.
$ heroku events:subscriptions:salesforce:create LowInkEvents -t "/event/Low_Ink__e" -f "\"Printer\"" -a herokuevents-app -A example-org Creating subscription LowInkEvents... done
Generate a new platform event for this channel using one of the ways described here.
Now you can make a
request withcurl
to get the events by using theHEROKUEVENTS_SUBSCRIBE_URL
config var and appending the subscription name.$ curl $(heroku config:get HEROKUEVENTS_SUBSCRIBE_URL -a herokuevents-app)/LowInkEvents {"specversion":"1.0","id":"79db622d-631b-4949-9cf8-fce595a09cea","source":"","type":"","subject":"/event/Low_Ink__e","datacontenttype":"application/json","data":{"CreatedById":"0054w00000AR3X0AAL","CreatedDate":1733255456517,"Name__c":{"string":"John"}},"salesforcereplayid":"AAAAAACqSe0AAA=="}
After creating your platform event subscription with Heroku Events, you can also publish to this platform event.
To view the events your app is subscribed to, run the command:
$ heroku events:subscriptions -a herokuevents-app
=== Heroku Events subscriptions for app ⬢ herokuevents-app
Name Platform Alias
────────────────── ────────── ───────────
AccountChangeEvent Salesforce example-org
Subscribe to Change Data Capture Events in Salesforce
See Event Subscriptions for more information about subscribing to events.
This example creates a subscription that subscribes to CDC events for the account object, which has a channel name /data/AccountChangeEvent
. You can replace the channel name with the object you want to subscribe to in your org.
Channel names are case-sensitive.
- Enable CDC on the account object in Salesforce.
Subscribe to the event with
. Here we subscribe to account change events and name the subscriptionAccountEvents
on theexample-org
we authenticated.$ heroku events:subscriptions:salesforce:create AccountEvents -t "/data/AccountChangeEvent" -a herokuevents-app -A example-org Creating subscription AccountEvents... done
Make any change to an account record in Salesforce so it creates a change event.
Now you can make a
request withcurl
to get the events by using theHEROKUEVENTS_SUBSCRIBE_URL
config var and appending the subscription name.$ curl $(heroku config:get HEROKUEVENTS_SUBSCRIBE_URL -a herokuevents-app)/AccountEvents {"specversion":"1.0","id":"a6377840-cc46-47ff-8e2e-ca144d3ee582","source":"","type":"","subject":"/data/AccountChangeEvent","datacontenttype":"application/json","data":{"AccountNumber":null,"AccountSource":null,"AnnualRevenue":null,"BillingAddress":null,"ChangeEventHeader":{"changeOrigin":"com/salesforce/api/soap/63.0;client=SfdcInternalAPI/","changeType":"UPDATE","changedFields":["0x400002"],"commitNumber":1733958929815166978,"commitTimestamp":1733958929000,"commitUser":"005Ws000001eUtGIAU","diffFields":[],"entityName":"Account","nulledFields":[],"recordIds":["001Ws00003SFoKbIAL"],"sequenceNumber":1,"transactionKey":"0000256b-9849-95e8-d113-e4ac339c6383"},"CreatedById":null,"CreatedDate":null,"Description":null,"Fax":null,"Industry":null,"Jigsaw":null,"JigsawCompanyId":null,"LastModifiedById":null,"LastModifiedDate":{"long":1733958929000},"Name":{"string":"My Account CDC2"},"NumberOfEmployees":null,"OwnerId":null,"Ownership":null,"ParentId":null,"Phone":null,"Rating":null,"ShippingAddress":null,"Sic":null,"SicDesc":null,"Site":null,"TickerSymbol":null,"Type":null,"Website":null},"salesforcereplayid":"AAAAAAAH5qQAAA=="}
To see the info on a subscription, run the command:
$ heroku events:subscriptions:info AccountChangeEvent -a herokuevents-app
Alias: example-org
Id: 469fc380-dd0c-4ca4-b5f8-4fa4c9a91076
Name: AccountChangeEvent
Platform: Salesforce
Topics: ["/data/AccountChangeEvent"]
Publish Events to Salesforce
See Event Publications for more information about publishing events.
If you want to publish to other targets, skip to their sections in the guide:
Heroku Events also makes it easy for your application to publish events in Salesforce.
This example creates a publication that publishes to a platform event, which has a channel name /event/Low_Ink__e
. You can replace the channel name with the event you want to publish to in your org.
Publish to the event with
. Here we create a publication namedLowInkPub
that publishesLow_Ink__e
events to Salesforce.$ heroku events:publications:salesforce:create LowInkPub -t "/event/Low_Ink__e" -a herokuevents-app -A example-org
Get the base URL that the add-on sets in the
config var.$ heroku config:get HEROKUEVENTS_PUBLISH_URL -a herokuevents-app
Provide the event data by sending the
request to the base URL with the name of the publication appended to it. The request body contains the fields and values in JSON format.$ curl -X POST $(heroku config:get HEROKUEVENTS_PUBLISH_URL -a herokuevents-app)/LowInkPub \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"field1": {"string": "value1"}}'
To view the events your app has published, run the command:
$ heroku events:publications -a herokuevents-app
=== Heroku Events publications for app ⬢ herokuevents-app
Name Platform Alias
──────────── ────────── ───────────
systemStatus Salesforce example-org
To see the info on a publication, run the command:
$ heroku events:publications:info systemStatus -a herokuevents-app
Alias: example-org
Id: af3d1a0d-ad29-4e3f-ad06-31195b99bae8
Name: systemStatus
Platform: Salesforce
Topic: /event/System_Status__e
Publish Events to Data Cloud
See Event Publications for more information about publishing events.
If you want to publish to other targets, skip to their sections in the guide:
This example creates a publication that publishes events to Data Cloud using the Ingestion API connector named Heroku_Click_Ingestion
You can replace the connector name with the connector you want to publish to in your org.
- Set up an Ingestion API connector in Data Cloud.
Publish to the event with
. Here we create a publication namedherokuclickevent
that publishes events to theHeroku_Click_Ingestion
connector in theexample-org
org we authorized.$ heroku events:publications:datacloud:create herokuclickevent -A example-org -a herokuevents-app -c "Heroku_Click_Ingestion" --object=heroku_app_clicks
Publish Events to a Webhook
See Event Publications for more information about publishing events.
If you want to publish to other targets, skip to their sections in the guide:
This example uses a Salesforce subscription with a platform event or CDC event and publishes events to a webhook endpoint.
- You must implement the
endpoint to act on the incoming data. For example, you can deploy a simple server to Heroku that receives webhook requests and logs them. The Getting Started on Heroku page has starting points for all of Heroku’s supported languages. Publish to the webhook with
heroku events:publications:webhook:create
. Here we create a publication namedevent-webhook
that publishes events to the
webhook URL using theLowInkEvents
subscription we created. We’re also filtering for specific events from accounts namedAcme
. Optionally, you can also add an<ACCESS_TOKEN>
for your webhook URL.$ heroku events:publications:webhook:create event-webhook -a herokuevents-app -f "\"Acme\"" -u "" -s AccountChangeEvent -t <ACCESS_TOKEN>
Link the
subscription and thewebhookpubevent
publication to create an event stream.$ heroku events:streams:create LowInkEvents webhookpubevent -a herokuevents-app
Delete Your Authorizations, Subscriptions, Publications, and Add-on
Remove an Authorization
Make sure you don’t have subscriptions or publications using the authorization before removing it from the org.
When you remove an authorization, any subscriptions and publications using the authorization will fail. To remove an authorization from a Salesforce org, run the command:
$ heroku events:authorizations:destroy example-org -a herokuevents-app
› Warning: Destructive Action.
› This command will affect the app herokuevents-app.
To proceed, type herokuevents-app or re-run this command with --confirm herokuevents-app: herokuevents-app
Destroying authorization example-events on ⬢ herokuevents-app... !
Delete a Subscription
To stop subscribing to an event, run the command:
$ heroku events:subscriptions:destroy AccountChangeEvent -a herokuevents-app
Destroying subscription AccountChangeEvent on herokuevents-app
Delete a Publication
To delete a publication, run the command:
$ heroku events:publications:destroy systemStatus -a herokuevents-app
Destroying publication systemStatus on herokuevents-app
Removing the Add-on
When you remove the add-on, all the authorizations, events, subscriptions, and publications are destroyed. You can’t get this data back after removing the add-on. If your app is still using any Heroku Events features, it’ll cause an error.
To remove your Heroku Events add-on, run the command:
$ heroku addons:destroy herokuevents
Next Steps
Here’s some recommended reading: